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Otatr of Talifornin <br />jCity and County of San Francisco, as. <br />On this .......................... L.-� o f....._..`f. _a e- .......................... ---------------------.......--.----......., in the year of our Lord One Thousand <br />ine Hundred and Forty ............................. ..--------........... before me, FRANK I- O W E N a Notary Public in and <br />or said City and County and State, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared ....................... <br />��. BBakewell and A. C. biclntyre _ ........ - - .... - ....................------------...--------...--- - ._----- known to me to be the <br />Vice President & Assistant Secretary, respectively of <br />............... -.................................................... ................. ........ -..... ......................................---.... <br />--- - -- - <br />timerican Trust Company ...the Corporation described in and <br />that executed the within instrument, and also known to me to be the persons... who <br />executed it on behalf of the said Corporation therein named, and .............. t.he-....Y.-........ <br />acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the same. <br />--- ------_ <br />--.... -.---- ------- <br />._..... _. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set--m y..h_an.d and..a f f i....xe.d. <br />my Of icial Seal, at my office in the City and County and State aforesaid <br />the a d year in this ceh4&ate fir j ve written. <br />................ <br />Notary Public in and for said City and County of San <br />State of California <br />