<br />THIS INDENTURE, made and entered into this 18th clay of
<br />October, Nineteen Hundred Forty-three, by and between
<br />FAIRFIELD DEVELOPMENT CO. INC., a corporation, the party of
<br />the first mart, and the CITY OF 3AN LEANLRO, a %Iunicipal
<br />Corporation, the party of the second part,
<br />That the said party of the first part does hereby grant
<br />and transfer unto the said party of the second part the eas�,-
<br />ment and right of ,iay to establish construct and maintain for
<br />all time public conduits in, through, on and along ti�at certain
<br />piece and strip of land, situated, 1yin6 and being in the City
<br />of San Leandro, County of iilameda, StaLe of Caiif ornia, and
<br />particularly bounded and described as follows, to wit:
<br />BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the south-
<br />eastern line of Castro Street and the noruhwestern line
<br />of lot 3, as said street and lot are shown onthe map
<br />hereinaf cer referred to, tiience S 28° E, along the last
<br />mentioned line and its direct extension, a distance of
<br />855.78 feet; thence at ri-',ht an„les S 620 V1, 5 feet;
<br />thence aL right angles N 280 1,7, 855.78 feet to the south-
<br />eastern line of Castro Street, and tilenue at rift' T.
<br />ang les
<br />N 620 E, along; said last mentioned line, 5 feet to the
<br />point of oeginning;
<br />BEING a portion of lots 3, 6, 71 8, 9, 10, and 11 as said
<br />lots are shown on that certain map entitled "Tract 663,
<br />San Leandro, Alameda County, California", filed in the
<br />office of the County Recorder of Alameda County.
<br />TO H«VE iiNl) TO �iGLD unto the said party of the second part
<br />f ore-v€ far- ti?e-s-o-Te- object and r-_rposc of c ons i,r cc bin anu j.,uiiZ-
<br />taining thereon public conduits and for no other ;rurc:�ose; and
<br />should said real property herein described be at any time used
<br />for any other purpose by said party of the second part than for
<br />the easement and right of way for the purpose of constructing and
<br />maintaining public conduits then this easement and right of way
<br />granted and conveyed, shall immediately lapse and becor� -nul-1, -arid
<br />void and said easement and right of way small iiiimedia-e-ly ndvertr-
<br />to said party of the first part, its successors and assi ors.
<br />IN :I' :';_.EREOF, tne said party of the first part- has- =,rere�-�-
<br />unto set its hand and seal the day and year first above
<br />-_ FAIRFIELD DEVELOPsiENT CO. , INC. , 3y--� -_
<br />;; Corporation ___�,i •'esiden1
<br />