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Deed - Davis St Fire Station (1040) - File 211, 1946
City Clerk
City Council
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Deed - Davis St Fire Station (1040) - File 211, 1946
Entry Properties
Last modified
8/31/2022 4:40:39 PM
Creation date
8/31/2022 4:33:24 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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H. The future conveyance of the Property from the Agency to a third party <br />will be done in conjunction with the two Agency -owned adjacent parcels on Davis <br />Street, and may require demolition of existing structure(s). In recognition of this fact, <br />City agrees to accept as payment a per square foot value for the Property as part of the <br />larger four -parcel transaction, a value which may reflect demolition costs for structures <br />on the Property to be directly paid by the Agency or assumed by the third party buyer. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual covenants, promises <br />and undertakings set forth herein, and for good and valuable consideration, the receipt <br />and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: <br />1. Conveyance and Acquisition. City shall convey the Property to Agency <br />and Agency shall accept the conveyance of the Property from City on all of the terms, <br />covenants and conditions provided herein by a Grant Deed in the form attached hereto <br />as Exhibit "B". City shall convey the Property to Agency without the payment of monies <br />from Agency to City prior to or at the time of such conveyance. <br />2. Payment of Proceeds from Subsequent Disposition. If and when Agency <br />disposes of the Property to another party, any and all funds Agency derives from such <br />disposition shall be paid to City under terms described in Section H and Section 4. <br />Agency agrees that, unless a longer period is required by law, it shall deliver such funds <br />to City within thirty (30) days of its receipt of same. The obligations of this Section 2 <br />shall be the only payment obligations from Agency to City in connection with the <br />conveyance and acquisition provided for in Section 1. <br />3. Recording. Following the delivery of the Grant Deed from City to Agency, <br />Agency shall cause the Grant Deed to be recorded in the official records of Alameda <br />County, California. <br />4. Costs. Each party shall pay half of any conveyance and transfer taxes, <br />recording fees, and miscellaneous fees associated with the transfer of the property. <br />The total amount of the City's share will be deducted from payment to the City as per <br />Section 2. <br />5. Possession. City shall deliver possession of the Property to Agency upon <br />delivery of the Grant Deed. <br />6. Disclaimer of Representations and Warranties. City and Agency agree <br />that (i) except as specified in this Agreement, neither City nor any agent or <br />representative of City has made any representations or warranties regarding the <br />Property, including without limitation any representations or warranties concerning the <br />Property's physical condition, access, zoning laws, environmental matters, utilities, <br />physical equipment or fixtures on the Property, or any other matter affecting the <br />Property or the use of the Property; and (ii) except for any representations and <br />warranties in this Agreement, Agency has not relied and will not rely on any implied <br />warranties, guaranties, statements, representations, or information about the Property, <br />City -Agency Agreement <br />1016-1040 Davis Street <br />
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