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V <br />s <br />GRANT CIF SEWER RIGHT OF WAY <br />MARY CUNHA, and 0. 'd. NICHCLS(',N CORPORATICN, a <br />California Corporation, the first parties, GRANT to <br />STERLING HODYES CO., a California Corporation the <br />second party, <br />All. that lot of land situated in the Township <br />of Eden, County of Alameda, State of California, <br />described as follows, to -wit: <br />L <br />1 <br />A non- exclusive perpetual easement and right <br />of way with the right of privilege to construct, <br />repair, replace, maintain and use a sewer over, across <br />and under a strip of land15.00 feet wide, extending <br />from e northern line of Davis Street to the southern <br />1 boundary line of 11 Tract 777", according to the map <br />thereof, filed December 13,1946, book 22 of Maps, pages <br />p(� 46,47, and 48, in the office of the County Recorder of <br />�Alameda County, the center line of said strip of land <br />15.00 feet wide, being described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the southern line of Lot <br />No. 67 of the aforementioned Tract No. 777, which <br />point bears North 7$0 East, 2.84 feet from the most <br />southern corner of the said lot No. 67., and running <br />thence South 400 16t 59T1 East,89.60 feet., thence South <br />120 581 391' East, 1289 feet, more or less, to a point <br />on the northern line of Davis Street which bears North <br />690 30t East 292.43 feet thereon from the northeastern <br />boundary line of that certain parcel of land now or <br />formerly owned by the South Pacific Coast Railway Co., <br />and described in deed from Rosa Serpa, et al, to W. C. Rdes. <br />dated November 5,1905 and recorded December 13,1905, <br />under Recorder's serial No. L-1933, in the office of the <br />County Recorder of Alameda County. <br />D. W. NICHCLSON CORPORATION <br />R tr <br />May 15, 1947 <br />P esident. <br />Subscribed to and sworn before me this <br />15th day of May, 1947. <br />Notary Public in and for the <br />County of Alameda, State of California <br />