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SCHEDULES B and C <br />Description of the land, title to which is insured by this policy; designated hereafter as "B." <br />Liens and encumbrances to which said title is subject, shown in the order of their priority, and defects <br />and other matters to which said title is subject; designated hereafter as "C." <br />«B» <br />All that lot of land situated in t'ne City of San Leandro, County of <br />Alameda, State of California, and described as follows, to -wit: <br />Beginning at a point on the Eastern line of that certain 3 acre <br />tract of land described in the deed from John 7Whelan to Laurence <br />Whelen, dated December 1, 1911 and recorded July 2, 1917 in Book 2593 <br />of Deeds, at page 14, distant thereon North 19' 251 'r est 2E36.50 feet <br />from the Northern line of Maud, formerly Cushing Avenue; thence <br />continuing along said Eastern line, North 19' 25' West 30 feet to <br />the Northern line of said 3 acre tract; thence along said last <br />named line South 700 351 `;est 100 feet; thence South 10 25, East <br />30 feet to the intersection with a line drawn South 700 35' Viest <br />from the actual point of beginning, and thence North 70" 35' East <br />along said line so drawn 100 feet to the actual point cf beginning. <br />uCn <br />Taxes for 1944-45 which are now a lien, but not ,yet payable. <br />Assessor's Blocks Nos. 515-'516. <br />