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.::/• \i���Ai��A�iit'AZ!PR•\i i��ii'«�1���:*R.� <br />CHRIS NELSON and CHRISTINE NELSON. iris wife, <br />the first part i e a hereby <br />Grant to CITY OF SAN LEANDRO a Nunicinal Corr,orc.tion <br />the second party , all that real property situated in the Ci ty of San Leanaro, <br />County of Alameda, State of California, described <br />as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the Southern line of Juana Avenue, <br />distant thereon North 700 35' East 642.082 feet from the <br />intersection thereof with the Eastern line of Bancroft <br />Avenue, formerly Santa Clara Street, as the same exists <br />80 ieet wide; running thence South 190 25' East 286.50 <br />feet to the actual point oz beginning of this description; <br />t..ence continuing South 190 251 East 30 feet; thence <br />North 700 1351 East 151.388 feet; thence North 190 251 <br />';'hest 30 fect; thence Soutn 700 35' ''Vest 151.388 feet to <br />the actual point of beginning. <br />InWitneooMbereof, the said first partieshave executed this conveyance this <br />- - day of Larch 91943. <br />GRANT PEED <br />