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I <br />TTIIS INDENTURE, made this 27th day of April, 1913, <br />between HARVEY G . Ir,APPLER and KARGARET I. YUPr'LER, his wife, <br />first parties, and CITY OF SAN LEATTDRO, a municipal corporation <br />of the State of California, second party, 'zerein called "City"; <br />For and in consideration of the sure of One Dollar (; el .00) <br />and other valuable consideration, said first parties 'zereby grant <br />and convey to City, and to its successors and assigns, for street <br />and hi-'Zway purposes only and subject to the conditions subsecuent <br />'-iereinafter set forth, that certain piece or parcel of lane_ situate, <br />l- ing and being in t'rie City of San Leandro, Count-7 of Alameda, State <br />of California, described as follows: <br />170 <br />Beginnir_g at a point on t-ie _1orthern line of <br />Maud Avenue distant thereon i;orth 70' 351 East 339.353 <br />feet from the intersection therenof wit'i the Eastern line <br />of Bancroft Avenue, formerly Santa Clara Avenue, as the <br />same exists PO feet wide, and runninS thence orth 19° <br />25t V;est 236.50 feet to actual point of beginning <br />of- V is description; thence continuing Ilort'_i 19` 251 <br />Lest 30 feet; thence ;North 70° 35' East 100 feet; t'_zence <br />South 19' 251 East 30 fe ;t; thence South 70' 351 Viest___ <br />100 feet to the actual point of berinnin,;. <br />TO 11AilL A iD TO HOLD t]. said real pro �crty ur_to said City <br />and its successors forever, for tTie sole purpose of aintaining <br />t',erein and t'_Zcreon a public street or '.ighway, includin ; all <br />primary and secon'ary street or air;*hway uses. <br />Should said real property at any time be used by the City <br />for any purpose other than the purposes '•iereinbefore ;nentione(ft, <br />or should the i'iole of said r,>al property be officially closed and <br />auan'oned as a public street, then in any such event, or, if such <br />closing; and abandonment be of a portion only of said street or <br />hi hway, then as to the portion so closed and abandoned, t1-1.1s <br />grant shall ir-,raediately l,a_)se and terminate and said real property <br />s7ia11 revert to anc- revest in said first parties, their heirs and <br />assigns. <br />- IN V'1'ITT?ESS T'"HLIREOF the said first parties !lave hereunto set <br />t1leir hands and seals the 'ay and year first above %�.ritten. <br />"Larve,T ;Spy l r <br />t <br />...� 1. sap,�ler <br />