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t- <br />ka <br />HERJuAN JOH�INSEN and HAZEL VNN JOHANS�EN, his wife, <br />-- - -- _ the first part i e q hereby <br />Grant to CITY OF 3AN LEANDRO, a Municipal Corporation, -- <br />the second part y , all that real property situated in the City of San Leandro, <br />County of Alameda, State of California, described <br />as.follows: <br />Beginning; at a � oint on the Northern line of Maud <br />Avenue distant thereon North 700 35, East 801.123 <br />feet from the intersection thereof with the Eastern <br />line of Bancroft Avenue, formerly Santa Clara Avenue, <br />as the same exists 80 feet wide; runninb thence North <br />190 25, West 286.50 Feet to the actual point of <br />beginning of this description; thence continuing <br />North 19 251 Nest 30 feet; thence North 700 351 East <br />92.347 feet; thence South 190 251 East 30 feet; <br />thence South 700 351 lest 92.347 feet to the actual <br />point of beginning. <br />0 <br />III WiMCOO Mbereat, the said first partieshave executed this conveyance this <br />,�7th day of July 11943. <br />Ike-v_--�.,, <br />Form 70 5M <br />