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IN THE CITY COUNCIL CIF THE <br />CITY uF' .:,.hN L.:r�NDAU <br />R�.'.1LLUTIvN NO, ��� C.1i.a. <br />i 3OLUTICM OF ACCEfTtXCE OF llE�ll IN CUNNEC'fl,�h :ITH TH2 OPENING OF <br />DOLORES hVENUE. <br />The City Council of the City of :pan Leandro do resolve as follo,.;e : <br />That the City of :. en Leandro hereby accepts the convcyaz'Icc to <br />It for public purposes of that real estate described in t1blat deed <br />executed by CHARLES . K?AMER and THERESIA M. ICAAIER, his wife, <br />dated November 5 1943, and authorizes the attachment of this <br />resolution to such deed, <br />introduced by Councilman and adopted <br />t 1s l3 Lh day of Pdovei_. ber , 1943g by the following called vote: <br />AYZ S : Councilmen <br />tltt83 ti : !' <br />Ce?�fied a true and correct copy. <br />k.rjRCEL NO. 19 <br />,29,j% City Clerk. <br />