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0 <br />-----------------------------------------------------SOPHIE---C-,FRANK..---a--widow,-------------------------------------------------- <br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />------------__-----------__-, the first part y , hereby <br />Orant to ------------ CITY--OF--SAN--IZANDA-O,---a--municipal---c-orpor-ationir------------------ <br />------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />the second party , all that real property situated in the -City -of --- San-Leamdro-,--... <br />County of----------Alameda,----------------------------------------State of--------------- <br />California --------- ------- <br />described as follows: <br />PARCEL la: C01,:1ENCING at a point on the Soathern line of Juana Avenuie, <br />formerly Nugent Avenue, distant thereon South 70 35' West 85.96 feet from <br />the Northwestern corner of :a 2 1/2 acre tract of land conveyed by Jeremiah <br />O'Regan to Wm McLaren, by deed dated April 15, 1870 and recorded April <br />162 1870 inBook 54 of Deeds, page 87, Alameda County Records; running <br />thence South 190 25' East 286.50 feet to the actual point of beginning of <br />the property to be described; thence running South 700 35' West 6.04 feet; <br />thence South 190 25' East 29.97 feet; thence South 700 35' West 79.93 feet <br />more or less, to the Western line of the lands conveyed by Jeremiah 0'Regar <br />to Hugh Ferry, by deed dated April 15, 1870 and recorded April 16, 1870 <br />in Liber 54 of Deeds, page 88, Alameda County Records; thence South 190 <br />25' East along the last named line 0.03 feet; thence North 700 35' East <br />86 feet, more or less, to the Eastern line of the land described in the <br />deed from J.N.Frank and Sophie C.Frahk, his wife, to T.F.Maher, dated <br />May 19, 1908 and recorded May 21, 1908 in Book 1484 of Deeds, page 51, <br />Alameda County Records; thence South 190 25' East along the last named <br />line 0.03 feet; thence North 700 35' East 85.96 feet to the V�`estern line <br />of the said lands conveyed to YoLaren; thence North 190 25' 1'lest along <br />the last named line 0.06 feet; thence South 700 35' West 85.96 feet, more <br />or less, to the intersection with a line drawn South 190 25'East from <br />the actual point of beginning; thence North 190 25' West 29.97 feet, more <br />or less, to the actual point of beginning. <br />In Witnegg Mbereof, the said first part y <br />------- 12th-}-------day of ------- November -------------- <br />ha s executed this conveyance this <br />-----., 19i3--. <br />------------- ----- ----------------------------- -- --------------------- <br />Oakland Title Insurance and Guaranty Company, Title Insurance Building, Fifteenth and Franklin Streets, Oakland, California <br />