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QUITCLaIIsI DEED <br />ale, the undersigned, WALTER C. GILIL-iN and FRj-INCES S. <br />GILiv,AN do hereby grant and quitclaim to City of San Leandro, <br />a !Municipal Corporation, all of our rigi;t title and interest <br />in and to tiie following described real property situated in <br />the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of Cali- <br />fornia, to wit: <br />Beginnin` kt a point on the Sout:iern line of <br />Juana Avenue, formerly Nu ent Avenue, distant there- <br />on South 700 35' .nest 85.96 feet from the Northwest::rn <br />corner of a 2-1/4 acre tract of land conveyed by <br />Jeremiah O'Re6a.n to 1,7riii i�;cL—wren, by deeu dated April 15, <br />1870 and recorded April 16, 1870 in Book 54 of Deeds, <br />pa e 87, Alameda County Records; running thence South <br />19d 25' East 316.50 feet; to ti-le actual point of begin- <br />ning of this description; thence South 190 25' East along <br />the last named line 0.03 feet; thence North 700 35' E-st <br />85.96 feet to tale Astern line of tree saicl lands conveyed <br />to IvICLaren; thence North 190 25, ':lest along the last <br />named line 0.03 feet; thence mouth 700 35' :'lest, 85.96 <br />feet, more or less, to the point of be;inning. <br />IN ''31TNESS ',7HL_,2_0F' vve have sucscribed our names this 3rd <br />day of February , 1944. <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA <br />ss. <br />COUNTY OF <br />f_ li� _ J <br />On this day of �N in the year Nineteen _-:undyed <br />and Forty-four before me, JOHN T. WENTZ <br />a Notary Public in and for said County and State, residing therein <br />duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared '.+1-.LTER C. "ILI,',AN <br />and Ft r,IVCES S. GILIvu1N known to me to be the persons descri oed in <br />and wriose names are subscribed to and wlio exeucted the within instru- <br />me.-_t, ana they acknowledged to me that they executed t-ie same. <br />IiQr;nLGF,--I have - ereunto set <br />Seal. <br />1 �- <br />Afo ary i-uciic in <br />County and <br />hand ana Officiu.l <br />_Y <br />d or said <br />ate. <br />