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EDNA A . SHERMAN , -- - -- - <br />_the first party , hereby <br />OrAnts to CITY 0-F_SAN-_LEA1,TDRC,- ----- - ---- the second party , all that real property situated in the <br />City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, described <br />as follows: .J <br />Beginning at a point on the Eastern line <br />of Bancroft Avenue, formerly Santa Clara Avenue (or Santa Clara <br />Street) as the same exists 80 feet wide, distant thereon South <br />190 251 last 286.50 feet from the intersection thereof with <br />the Southern line of Juana Avenue; runninF. t'ience along said <br />line of .Bancroft Avenue South 190 251 Fast 60 feet; thence North <br />70' 35' -East 154.694 feet; thence North 190 251 West 60 feet; <br />thence South 700 351 Nest 154.694 feet to the point of beginning. <br />In Mitneso Wbereot, the said first party has executed this conveyance this <br />6 f h day of July 919 44 <br />Form 701 511 <br />