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SCHEDULES B and C <br />Description of the land, title to which is insured by this policy; designated hereafter as "B." <br />Liens and encumbrances to which said title is subject, shown in the order of their priority, and defects <br />and other matters to which said title is subject; designated hereafter as "C." <br />"B" <br />All that lot of land situated in the pity of San Leandro, County of <br />Alameda, State of California and described as follows, to -wit: <br />Beginning at a point on the Eastern line of Bancroft Avenue, formerly <br />Santa Clara Avenue (or Santa Clara Street) as the same exists 80 feet <br />wide, distant thereon South 19' 25' East 286.50 feet from the inter- <br />section thereof with the Southern line of Juana Avenue; running thence <br />along said line of Bancroft Avenue South 190 25' East 60 feet; thence <br />North 700 35' East 154.694 feet; thence North 19' 25' West 60 feet; <br />thence South 700 35' West 154.694 feet to the point of beginning. <br />itCn <br />Taxes for 1944-45 which are now a lien but not yet payable. <br />Assessor's Block #521-2 <br />