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Escr7-w 2; 929-1 <br />IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br />CITY Off' SAN L-1:1L lDR1 0 <br />RESOLUTION NO. 648 C .M. S. <br />RESCVYf1r 11 OF ACCEPTk�'dX . OF DEED IN CONNEOTION WITH TIME OprITING OF <br />DCLORES i VEME <br />The City Council of tha City of yen L andro does resolve -s <br />follows: <br />That th-: City of S-1,n Leandro hereby E)ece=:ts the conveyance to <br />it for public purposes of that real estate described in that deed <br />exec Aed tv EDNA rk. Hated July 6, 1944, and authorizes the <br />attachment of this resolution to such deed. <br />ind be it further resolved: <br />That in cons'deration of said deed the City ?tanager and Cit;-- <br />Engineer be and they sre tereby "strueted that ;;hen 7,ading for the <br />street i'or which the property referred to in said deed is contemplated <br />to bm used, € ll to^ soil re-,};cved fr(-,� said ?property be s^rend on the <br />remaining property of grantor. <br />Introduced by Councilman Magnat <br />a nd passod <br />and ado• ted this 17th, dray of July, 1944- by the following called. <br />vote; <br />C ou ne l lme n Groves, Lawrence, Magnat , Thomas Kni c� 5 ) <br />NOE'S : Councilmen, None ( 0 ) <br />k&. XNT: Councilmen, None l 0 ) <br />eyor of theCity—_Vo7_� ,Len ro <br />Nttest: <br />t eG le -r <br />I hereby certify that the above Resolution is a true and correct copy of Resolution <br />No 6ti8 C.V.S. the original of which was passed and pted by the Cif, Council of the <br />City of San Leandro in regular meeting assembled o o July, 1� <br />�-�-�� City Clerk. <br />