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Q.UI TCLAIM DEED. <br />I, the unlersigned,A. Menheit,formerly A.Frank, do <br />hereby grant and quitclaim to the City of San Leandro, <br />a municipal Corporation,all of my right title and interest <br />in and to the following described real property,situated <br />in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of Calif. , <br />and described as follows, tom-vit : <br />Beginning at a point on the Southern line of Juana <br />Avenue,f.ormerl- '",,-ent Avenue,distant thereon South <br />700 35' West 92-feet from the Northwestern corner of <br />a 2-1/2 acre tract of land conveyed by Jeremieh O'Regan <br />to Tm. ?`cLaren,by deed dated April 15,1870 and recorded <br />April 16,1870 in Fook 54 of Deeds,page 87,Alameda County <br />Records; thence :youth 190 25' as t 286. 50 feet to the <br />actual point of beginning of this deRcription;then,;e <br />continuing South 19025'East 29.97 fee t; thence South <br />700 35' West 79.96 feet,more or lesR to the "-'extern line <br />of the land conveyed by Jeremiah O'Regan to Hugh Terry, <br />by deed dated April 1.5, 1870 and recorded April 1691.870 <br />in Liber 54 of Deede,page 88,Alameda County Records; <br />thence South l90 25' East along the last named line 0.03 <br />feet;thence North 700 35' East 86 feet,more or less, to <br />the Eastern line of the lands described in the Deed <br />from J.N.Frank and Sophie C.Frank,his wife,to T.F.!�'aher, <br />dated ?'Tay 19th ,1908 and recorded I -lay 21;908 in Book <br />1484 of Deeds,page 51,Alameda County Records;thence <br />South 190 25' East along the last named line u.03 feet; <br />thence North 700 35' East 85.96 feet to the t'Jes tern line <br />of the said lands conveyed to I%IcLaren; thence x.orth <br />190 25' 11,'est, along the last named line 0.06 feet; thence <br />South 70c35' 77es t 85.96 feet,more or less, to the inter- <br />section with the eastern line of the lands described <br />in the deed from Frank to Yaher above referred to; <br />thence I orth 190 25' kaest along gaid line 29.97 feet; <br />thence South 700 35' '",egt 6.04 feet to the point of <br />beginning. <br />IN WiTNTESS '!A REOF I SAVE SUDSCRIPED <br />T'+Y W.T. this 6th day of September 1944 <br />