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-%` IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br />CITY" OF SAN L ANDRO <br />RESOLUTION A►0 ..�o� P C .:., . 3. <br />RESOLUTION ACCEr�TIIvG 4-,,3Z,,:ENT AND R1GI.T OF AY. <br />I Owe . <br />The City Council of the City of Can Leandro do resolve as fol- <br />Tnat that certain eaaement and right of way offered to this <br />Gi ty by Josephine 1t. -ond and C. 17. i-or,d, her husband, by geed <br />dated April 15, 1943 over portions of lots 35 and 36 in Tract <br />635, San Leandro be and it is hereby accented. <br />lntroduceg by Counciiii;an <br />k and passed and adopted <br />this /9 �` <br />day of --� 1943 b <br />� y the f oll owing called vote <br />AYES: Colancilrren' / <br />,L <br />N CLS <br />(0) <br />may or of ti.L& City f Can Leandro <br />Attest: <br />City c erk <br />I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of Resolution <br />No.558 C.M.S, The original of which was passed and adopted by the City <br />Council of the City of San Leandro, California. in regular meeting <br />assembled on the of April 1943• <br />City Clerk. <br />