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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br />CITY OF 3:iN LZ: NDRG <br />RESOLUTION NO.1-112 C.Y.S. <br />R aOLUTION OF .'ACCEPTANCE OF NEED. <br />The City Council of the City of San Leandro do resolve as follows: <br />Thut the City of San Leandro h6reby accepts the conveyance to <br />it for public purp:;ses of that real estate described ire ti.aL deed <br />executed by Louis Gre6oris ana L(ar,, Ire -uric, :tii,ji' - and Clarence <br />A. Phillips and Genevieve ,,, Frilli�,s, 1-11S'','411L�_, dated Aus;uat 5, <br />1941, and authorizes the attachment of this resolution to such deed. <br />Introduced by Councilman 0/ and adopteJ this llth <br />da., of August', 1941 by the following calted vote: <br />riYES: Council{,:en <br />iVY �r <br />fir• <br />ay or o he City o San Leandro <br />AttOeft; <br />C ty Clerk <br />