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U <br />1MANUEL_VALE-N-TINE VIERRA, alsoknown as Manuel V. Vierra, <br />and MARY CARNATION VIERRA, also known as Mary C. Vierra, <br />_his wife, the first pard e s , hereby <br />orant to CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, a Municipal Corporation, <br />the second party , all that real property situated in the C i ty of San <br />Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, described <br />as follows : <br />PORTION of the land described in the deed by American <br />Trust Company to Durward Vierra and Gerald Vierra, dated <br />November 3, 1938 and recorded December 10, 1938 in book <br />3729 of Official Records of Alameda County at page 38, <br />described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at the intersection of the eastern line of <br />Franklin Lane, as said lane is shown on the 11T:4ap of <br />Franklin Subdivision, San Leandro, California,,, filed <br />May 3, 1927, in book 12 of ;naps at page 71, in the office <br />of the County Recorder of Alameda County, with a line <br />drawn parallel with and distant at right angles 80 feet <br />northeasterly from the northeastern line of the right of <br />way, 80 feet wide, of the western Pacific Railway <br />Company; and running thence along the line so drawn <br />south 430 491 301, east 125.42 feet to the eastern line <br />of the land described in the above mentioned deed; <br />thence along the last named line south �0 03' west <br />75.25 feet to a line drawn parallel with and distant <br />at right angles 20 feet northeasterly from the north- <br />eastern line of said right of way of the Western Facific <br />'lailway Company; thence along the last drawn line north <br />430 49, 30,, west 123.42 feet to the eastern line of said <br />Franklin Lane; thence along., the last named line north <br />90 031 east 75.25 feet to the point of beginning. <br />The grantors understand that the present intention of the <br />grantee of the lands hereby conveyed in fee is to construct and <br />maintain thereon a highway. The grantors hereby wive any claim <br />for any and all damages to any other real property owned by the <br />grantors, contiguous to the lands hereby conveyed, by reason of <br />the location, construction or maintenance of said highway. <br />In Witneoo Mbereof, the said first parties have executed this conveyance this <br />5th day of August 91941. <br />(also known as) ------- <br />(also known as) -------- <br />GRANT DEED <br />