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SLR-203 <br />Amount $ 2950.00 <br />EF <br />No. 301n 04 <br />A <br />'n-flelnum-ra <br />OFFICERS - - - <br />/� I� <br />WM H. OFFICE E. PRESIDENT _ _ �-' <br />HARRISON 6. ROBINSON. 1]' <br />VICE-PRESIDENT <br />W. P. WOOLSEY. VI -PRESIDENT <br />BENJ. J. HENLEY` <br />EXECUTIVE VICE-PRESIDENT <br />MO RTIMER SMITH, <br />VICE-PRESIDENT AND MDR. <br />O F. BLAUERT. <br />V ICE.PREEIDENT <br />EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE <br />HARRISON S. ROBINSON. <br />CHAIRMAN <br />WM. H. DONAHUE <br />W. P. WOOLSEY <br />STUART S. HAWLEY <br />JOS. R. KNOWLAND <br />BENJ. J. HENLEY <br />ASSETS OVER S 1.500.000.00 <br />TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING <br />IST- AND .RANHLIN -R.- <br />PHONE GLENCouaT8300 <br />OAKLAND. CALIFORNIA <br />Title Insurarnce Policy <br />DIRECTORS <br />ARTHUR H. BREED <br />WM. CAVALIER <br />JESSE L. DELANOY <br />WM. H. DONAH UE <br />FREDERICK S. DUHRING <br />RALPH T. FISHER <br />CRELLIN FITZGERALD <br />GEORGE FRIEND <br />A. CRAWFORD GREENE <br />T. W. HARRIS <br />STUART S. HAWLEY <br />BENJ. J. HENLEY <br />IRVING KAHN <br />JOS R. KNOWLAND <br />ARTHUR W. MOORE <br />HARRISON S. ROBINSON <br />SHERWOOD SWAN <br />WALTER P. WOOLSEY <br />Oakland Title Ixnsurance and Guaranty Company <br />a corporation, of California, <br />herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, paid for this Policy of Title Insurance, <br />Does Hereby Insure <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />together with each successor in ownership of any indebtedness secured by any mortgage or deed of trust shown <br />in SCHEDULE B, the owner of which is named as an insured, and any such owner or successor in ownership of any <br />such indebtedness who acquires the land described in SCHEDULE C, or any part thereof, by lawful means in satis- <br />faction of said indebtedness or any part thereof, and any person or corporation deriving an estate or interest in <br />said land, as an heir or devisee of a named insured, or by reason of the dissolution, merger, or consolidation of a <br />corporate named insured, against loss or damage not exceeding <br />TWEEI TY-1,11!,E HUN-DRED FIFTY AND N01100 ($2950.00) dollars, <br />which any insured shall sustain <br />by reason of title to the land described in SCHEDULE C being vested, at the date hereof, otherwise than <br />as herein stated; or <br />by reason of unmarketability of the title of any vestee to said land, at the date hereof, unless such un- <br />marketability exists because of defects, liens, encumbrances, or other matters shown in SCHEDULE B; or <br />by reason of any defect in, or lien or encumbrance on said title, existing at the date hereof, not shown <br />1n SCHEDULE B; or <br />by reason of any defect in the execution of any ortgage or deed of trust shown in SCHEDULE B securing <br />an indebtedness, the owner of which is insured y this policy, but only insofar as such defect affects the <br />lien or charge of such mortgage or deed of tru t upon said land; or <br />by reason of priority, at the date hereof, over a y such mortgage or deed of trust, of any lien or encum- <br />brance upon said land, except as shown in Sc EDULE B; <br />all subject, however, to SCHEDULES A, B, and C and t e stipulations herein, all of which schedules and stipulations <br />are hereby made a part of this policy. <br />SCHEDULE A <br />On August 29, 1941 at 11:53 o'clock, a. m., the title to <br />the land described in SCHEDULE C is vested in: <br />CITY OF� SAN LEANDRO <br />(a municipal corporation) <br />i I _0 4W. <br />(A) The Company does not, by this policy, insure against loss by reason of: <br />1. Easements or liens which are not shown by the public records (a), of the District Court of the Federal <br />District, (b) of the county, or (c) of the city, in which said land or any part thereof is situated. <br />2. Rights or claims of persons in possession of said land which are not shown by those public records which <br />impart constructive notice. i <br />3. Any facts, rights, interests, or claims which are not shown by those public records which impart construc- <br />tive notice, but which could be ascertained by an inspection of said land, or by making inquiry of persons <br />in possession thereof, or by a correct survey. <br />4. Mining claims, reservations in patents, water rights, claims or title to water. <br />5. Any governmental acts or regulations restricting, regulating or prohibiting the occupancy or use of said <br />land or any building or structure thereon. <br />FORM 402 CALIFORNIA LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION STANDARD FORM - COPYRIGHT 1938 <br />