T. M. SCITIMiACM;R and SIDi�Fr,Y M. MI-M AN, as Trustees of the
<br />property of The Western Pacific Railroad Company, a corporation,
<br />duly ap:ointed by orders of the United States District Court for
<br />the Northern District of California, Southern Division, in proceed-
<br />ings for reorganization under Section 77 of the Bankruptcy Act of
<br />The .Vestern Pacific Railroad Company, Debtor, No. 26591-s, and
<br />duly ratified by order of the Interstate Commerce Commission, first
<br />parties, do hereby grant unto CI1_1'Y OF S ,J. LEANDRO, a municipal
<br />corporation of the State of California, second party, an easement
<br />for highway purposes over that certain real property situate in
<br />the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California,
<br />described as follows, to -wit:
<br />PORTION of the 5.75 acre tract of land described in the
<br />deed bl,T K. J. Enos to itiiary J. Enos, dated May 25, 1894,
<br />recorded December 15, 1894 in book 551 of Deeds at pa.�ze
<br />121, Alameda County Records, described as follows:
<br />C01VI&NCING at the intersection of the eastern line of
<br />Franklin_ Lane, as said lane is shown or. the "I�:'ap of
<br />Franklin Suhdivision, San Leandro, California", filed
<br />I�ay 3, 1927, in book 12 of 1,.,aps, page 71, in the office
<br />of the County Recorder of Alameda County, with the north-
<br />eastern line of the right of way, 80 feet wide, of The
<br />'4estern Pacific Railroad Company; and running. thence
<br />along said northeastern right of way line south 431 491
<br />3011 east 730.88 feet to the southeastern line of the land
<br />described in the deed by i;merican Trust Company to Louis
<br />Gregoris and Mary Gregoris, dated October 27, 1939, re-
<br />corded November 9, 1939 in book 3848 of Official Records
<br />of Alameda County, pa,,e 90, and the actual point of begin-
<br />ning of the parcel of land herein described; running
<br />thence along, the last named line north. 770 181 east 65.84
<br />feet to the northeastern line of said 5.75 acre tract;
<br />thence along the last named line south 301 581 30" east
<br />253.43 feet to the said northeastern line of The ';:estern
<br />Pacific Railroad Company right of way; thence along the
<br />last named line north 43" 49? 30" west 281.11 feet to the
<br />point of beginning.
<br />This instrument is subject to all valid and existing con-
<br />tracts, leases, liens, erncambrances or claims of title which may
<br />affect the said property herein described, and the word "grant"
<br />1.
<br />