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'5TANLEV J. SMITH, P.-.... <br />JAMES H. L'HOMMEDIEU, V­ Pnesiee.. AHo M.... ex <br />B. A. FORSTERER, V.— Pnee­ <br />H. E. MCCARTHY, Vice P...,.—, <br />B. R. AIKEN, SecA TAn ... Tnc <br />I ! 9j fi n <br />AI,AMEDA CoLTNynT- EAST Bm''1'ITLEA INSURANCE COMPXNT <br />IN BUSINESS CONTINUOUSLY SINCE 1861 <br />14TH AND FR4_N-1UAN STREETS <br />0AKLAND,CA1.IF0RNIA No. 293929 -8 <br />GLENCOLTRT 2070 <br />DESCRIPTION OF LAND TO BE TAKEN <br />All that lot of land situated in the City of San Leandro, <br />County of Alameda, State of California, and described as follows, <br />to -wit• <br />Beginning at a point on the Northern line of Maud Avenue, <br />distant thereon "North 700 351 last 524.082 feet from the intersection <br />thereof with the Eastern line of Bancroft Avenue, formerly Santa Clara <br />Street, as the same exists 60 feet wide; running thence North 191 <br />251 West 286.50 feet to the actual point of beginning of this descrip- <br />tion; thence continuing 1lorth 191 251 crest 30 feet; thence North 700 <br />351 East 92.347 feet; thence South 191 251 East 30 feet; thence South <br />70' 351 West 92.347 feet to the actual point of beginning. <br />