<br />;w`eT C'„s �. r.;itrT;P, ,
<br />the first parts e s , hereby
<br />orant to -
<br />T, municipal corporation,
<br />the second part y , all that real property situated in the
<br />City of Sa r L ea ndr (�,— ___ County of Alameda State of Calif orniadescribe(L
<br />as follows:
<br />i"r.",C" F, 1: Be^ innin- .:.t a Point on the 74'estern line of that certain
<br />3.00 acre tract of 1- n�' dese:ibed in the deed from John 'yihelan to -+•a- -ie
<br />'; hel an dated December 1, 1911 and recorded July 2, 1P17 in Rook 2593 Vo f
<br />Deeds, Oas�e 13, Alarreda County Records, distant thereon South 1p° 251
<br />East 286.50 feet from the 6ont1r_ern line of Juana C,verr_ie; r�mnin- thence
<br />T.ort)^ 70° 351 past 60 feet to a point or s line drawr Solith 19°�251 Brit
<br />from a point on the sail line of Juana Avenue, which said last named point
<br />is distant alon-- said line of Juana avenue South 700 351 'nest 904.92 feet
<br />from the Eastern line of the 26.42 acre tract of land described in the
<br />deed from T,-oses C'l Conner to Jeremiah O'Re`an, dated Febri-rary 21, 1866
<br />and recorded h=arch 1, 1866 in Book "Tit of Deeds, oaxe 371; thence South
<br />19'0 25' East 30 feet to the Southern line of said 3.00 acre tract; thence
<br />alon- said last named line South. 70° 35' ':,nest 60 feet to the said '."estern
<br />line of' said 3.00 acre tract: thence alone said last named line North 19"
<br />25' :esi- 7r-, feet to the ooi-rt of be,-i nrl-nM.
<br />. _ v
<br />PAR, C ,T 2. Re -inni n - at a point on the Northern l 1n_e of Yalid Avenue,
<br />formerly Cus'�ir- t:ven,ie, Jistant t.zer-on So'ith 70° 35' 'Nest 230.27 feet
<br />from t-�e intersection thereof wits t-- --astern ]_irr- of t`?at� certain 3
<br />acre oarcel of land described in the deed from John '.y elan to Laurence
<br />1helan, dated December 11 1911 and recorded Ju.l7 21 1017 in Iiber 2593
<br />of -)eedti, at 14; runnir t}_,ence Tort^ 1�° 25' ';Vest 2'76.50 feet to t
<br />actual Joint of'�be7inni-n- of this description: thence continuin-T North 19`-
<br />25r ':cost 30 feet to the Yorthern line o f' said 3 acre tract: thence alon-
<br />said last named line Soutr, 700 351 ','pest 152.23 feet to the '.western line o'-
<br />$i said 3 acre tract: thence alon said last named line Sout'� 1°° 251 East
<br />30 feet to the intersection wi th a line r�rawn South 70° 351 west from t'
<br />actual point of ber nnin,,; and thence Lorth 701 351 East along said line
<br />5.
<br />so -lrawn 152.:?3 feet to the actlial point of heginnin�.
<br />P:,RC',L 3: Ber_innin� at a point on the Eastern line of that. certain z
<br />acre tract of 1anc3 described in the deed from John '-'.helan ' t o Laurence
<br />':' �-elan dated December 1, 1911 and recorded July 2, 1917 in Book 25�33 of
<br />Deeds, at .)a`e 14, riista.rt thereon North 19° 251 '.west 2' 6.50 feet from. t,;.
<br />Northern line of Laud, formerly Cushin,• :,venue; thence continuin along
<br />said Eastern line, T?orth 190 25' 'nest 30 feet to the Northern line of sai:-
<br />3 acre tract; thence alon- sat last named line South 70° 351 ,'vest 190
<br />feet; thence South 19° 25' East 30 feet to the intersection witha line
<br />``- rqrawn So„+.,h 701 351 die t from the aeal•--.)ei_nt et's`a-t? arce
<br />North 7"%° 35' East alone- said line so drawn 100 feet to t he actual r,)oint:
<br />of beginnin .
<br />In Mitneso Obereof, the said first part iesha ve executed this conveyance this
<br />day of
<br />tsaMe a `fin i�h�
<br />It Tt.4.fhyaee6 end to reemee, wrote 6Z-Wacme t1ee1
<br />ald ern}, A es NY owe e a WI
<br />Wln t6erate, i
<br />Wltnem
<br />Form 70 531
<br />