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pnnu 303 <br />230 <br />l 15 <br />_....... _...... L LL , N. t E 100T110 a.---41dow.,.......................................................................... <br />, the first part y , hereby <br />(Drant to ........... CITY .... OF Gorporatl3 on., <br />the second part y , all that real property situated in the.... ,_ty.__.Q ... S$n.... MDdro,- <br />County'of........... Alameda -. ......................................State of ............ Cal1fornia......................... _._I <br />described as follows: <br />A portion of Lot 14, as shown on the Map of <br />"Myers -Miller Tract, Subdivision A, San Leandro, <br />Cal.l', filed November 12, 1912, in Book 27 of Maps, <br />page 25, in the office of the County Recorder of <br />Alameda County, bounded as follows: <br />Beginning at the most western corner of said <br />Lot 14; running thence along the Western boundary <br />line thereof, north 70 221 20t1 east, 40.42 feet to <br />a point on the northern boundary line of said Lot <br />14; thence along the said last mentioned line, north <br />870 461 40" east, 10.14 feet; thence south 70 221 20" <br />west, 40.42 feet to a point on the Southern boundary <br />line thereof; thence along the said last mentioned <br />line, south 870 461 40" west 10.14 feet to the point <br />of beginning. <br />3n Witneoo Ubereof, the said first part y ha s executed this conveyance <br />this .._..... 0 th............. day of .......... Augus t.,....._. 19... 7... <br />Oakland Title Insurance and Guaranty Company, Title Insurance Building, Fifteenth and Franklin Streets, Oakland, California. <br />