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THIS INDENTURE, made and entered into this 8th Day of <br />February A.D. Nineteen Hundred Forty Sig_, (1946) By and Between <br />E.W. McGar: and John P.01 Shea, <br />The Part ies of the First Part, and the City of San Leandro, A Munici al <br />Corporation, The Party of the Second Part. <br />TI NESSETH3 That the said Part ies of the rirst Fart Do-`Jfipreby Grant, <br />Transfer and Alien Unto the Said Party of the Second Part the easement <br />an., Right of 7 ay to Establish, Construct and Maintain for all time a Public <br />Conduit In, Through, On and Along that certain piece and strip of Land, <br />Situated, Lying and Being, in ,the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda! <br />State of California, And Particularly Bounded and Described as Followsp <br />THE NORTHERLY TWO AND ONE dALF FEET FRONT AND REAR MEASUREMENTS <br />OF LOT #l, TRACT 638,�SAN LEANDRO,ALAREDA COUNTY,CALIFORNIA", <br />tiled October 2, i042 in Boox 8 of Maps,pages 68 and 69, in the <br />office of the County Recorder of Alameda County." <br />TO HAVE AND TO MOLD Unto t.e said party of the Second Part Forever 'Vith <br />right of entry to inspect and repair for tiie sole object and purpose of <br />constructing and maintaining thereon a Public Conduit and for no other <br />purpose: And should saia real property herein described be at any time <br />used for any other purpose by said Party of the Second. Part than for the <br />easement and right of way for the purpose of constructing and maintaining <br />a Public Conduit, Then this easement and Right of Way, Granted and Conveyed, <br />shall immediately lapse and become Null and Void and said easement and <br />Fi l:t of -ay shall immediately revert to said Part►e S of the First Part, <br />f h Q Ji' Successors and Assigns. <br />IN V ITNESS WHEY EOF, THE SAID PARTIES OF THE FIRST PART HAVE i�EREUNTO <br />SET t" vwf HAND AND SEAL THE DAY AND YEAR FIRST ABOVE diRITTEN. <br />.�IGNED,SEALED AND D'_LIVERED IN THE PRESENCE OF <br />