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CONSID-ZEAT'ION LES: 1 $50.00 <br />i <br />�eeb <br />Tbi!5 InbentUee, Made this 14th day of March 19 41 <br />38abiren CHARLES A. McKINLEY and PA.ULINE McKINLEY, his wife <br />the part iesof the first part, and <br />THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO � Z <br />the party of the second part, <br />Witnezvtb, that the said partiesof the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of <br />TEN_ DOLLARS, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do grant, <br />bargain, sell and convey unto said party of the second part, and to their successors <br />and assigns forever, all that land with the appurtenances situate in the <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO , County of ALAMEDA <br />State of California, and particularly described as follows, to -wit: <br />Portion of Shirk Avenue, as said Avenue is shown on the %lap of the Shirk <br />Tract in the City of San Leandro, Alameda County, Cal.," filed August 3, 1893 <br />in Book 14 of Maps at page 15, in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda <br />County, described as follows: <br />Beginning at the intersection of the direct extension southeasterly of the <br />southwestern line of lot number four (4), as said lot is shown on said map, with <br />the southeastern line of said Shirk Avenue; ruining thence along the line of said <br />Shirk Avenue South 70' 351 west 83.67 feet, more or less, to a point distant <br />three feet southwest from the northwest corner of lot number 2.8, as said lot is <br />shown on the "lap of Cherry hanor, San Leandro, Alameda County, California, 192911 <br />filed June 21, 1929, in Book 18 of Daps at page 66, in the office of the County <br />Recorder of Alameda County; thence North 19' 25, west Three (3) feet; thence <br />AIorth 700 35, east and paralell with said line of Shirk Avenue 83.67 feet, more <br />or less, to the direct extension southeasterly of the southwestern line of said <br />lot number Four (4); thence along the said extended line south 191 251 east <br />Three (3) feet to the point of beginning. <br />Reserving the right of ingress and egress; to the adjoining property over the <br />southwestern Three (3) feet of the above described property, to and from the Ten <br />(10) foot alleyway running between the above described property and Blossom Yay, <br />as described in the "trap of Cherry IVanor, San Leandro, Alameda County, California, <br />1929", filed June 21, 1929 in Book 18 of Daps at page 66, in the office of the <br />County Recorder of Alameda County. <br />Together with a right -of --gray for sewer purposes across the following described <br />property: <br />The southeastern Three (3) feet of Lot number Ten (10) Tract number 603, and <br />The northwestern Three )3) feet of lot number Thirty-three (33), as said lot <br />is shown on the map of "Cherry Manor, San Leandro, Alameda County, California, <br />1929" filed June 21, 1929 in Book 18 of Maps at page 66, in the office of the II <br />County Recorder of Alameda County. <br />To have and to hold all and singular the said premises, together with the appur- <br />tenances, unto the said party of the second part, and to its successors 14�ps and <br />assigns forever. <br />N Witnez5 Wbereof, the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their <br />hand and seal the day and year first above written. <br />�• � I <br />r <br />Oakland Title Insurance and Guaranty Company, Title Insurance Building, Fifteenth and Franklin Streets, Oakland, California <br />