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q) <br />IN THE CITY CLUNCIL OF THE <br />CITY ,F 3AIN <br />RESOLUTI:-­, (7, i:i. 3. <br />RESCLUTICN ACCEMIIG FRC:?!?TY FCR IT':"F' F'RTI'l,' rF ST':1.:5 r,V12CUE, <br />iMtREAS, Germano De Anorade and RorAetta '";e ,tndrade, .As rife, <br />have offered by tl.eir deed to dedicate to Lais city for street <br />purFoses the foliowinC described proFerty, to -wit: <br />REAL proFerLy 1i. t .- Cit, of San Leandro, County of <br />Alameda, State of Caiifornia, c;escribed as folio4s: <br />Btl:nNNiNc at the aQrner of <br />certain purccl of !and d*sariLad in deeJ fro.v "iomietta <br />Do-,ndradc, f oru.erly .16.alet to h . i r&L;+* s L;s a .l i.,r. 3 <br />4), —al gated-`epte ipt)e:r wvg 1ii =, aniJ recorded in I iber <br />3.�.�6, ificiai ecWr.s at is�a yC ir, the lfice of <br />the county hecor6or of ,lmmeda !7ounty rurLnin,. thence <br />southeasterly alonk, tht norti,easterly line f ssidl <br />prQFsrty 30 fc,�t; t.'acneez at right angles a at�i�cs tcr- <br />ly zi;�1.iiO feet, more or lts3, to the norLhzast.eora Tins <br />of an Lev.ndro nouleve.rd, as too cams i dee cribed in <br />Lips weed fr:,aa i aulino A, :aaral, st as 1 to t,,cs Ci ij, <br />of "_ n 1 --andro, a municipal corF.oraLl an, ':Aed jul <br />3, 1 ::1 anop/lrecorded et.ocer Zy, 1.;31n in noo2$034 of <br />�Jf icial Rec 3rl''a Of Alc%&A, . a F , 64t. c 4 381, <br />thence norteawasterly along said line of San Leandro <br />'�Ji:. ty.A* 4 vti feat; +wvr ti .x iv aE` ei Etfii`tt.iiftt f,r,Tl; <br />line of said parcel, of .and; t"cn,�:e northeasterly <br />along saic line 2192 fete t, more or less, <br />to the point of beiinning. <br />.�C.,-, 'i'H%;EFGRE, the City Councii of the City of San Leandro <br />do resolve as follows: <br />That the above dedication be and it is hereby accepted. <br />introduced on the 1611t: day of June, lAl by Councilman <br />June <br />and passed and adopted this 16tiz gay of a�u«..r1::41 <br />by the folluAing called vote: <br />:YES: Councilme <br />NOES... <br />ABSLNT : It, 7i-rr--rui7 7- <br />:9 ob 06 c:a, c;I ut ;.!Te :..-.-&;jyor of� e Li y o an Leandro <br />A t t C<b - its*; on 140 *1- <br />>7�;1c� ;a r: a: -ilk: lug c03zscf <br />City ClerkJ <br />J <br />