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.CRY C. .:: T— tR�`rEHTY <br />Giilt.NT OF OF .nY 2 l a <br />THE b-NDE33I'1NED, owner- of the hereinafter aescribed property, <br />does hereby grant and convey to the City of Slan Leandro, a municipal <br />corporation, an easement and right of way over and across all of the <br />hereinafter described property to establish, construct, and maintain <br />for all tii.e, with right of entry to inspect and repair, public con- <br />d'uits ir_,through, on, and along that certain piece and strip of land <br />situ-ted,lying, and being in the Township of zden, County of nlar.qeda, <br />State o, California, particularly bounded and described as fol.Lotivs, <br />to -wit. <br />BEGIN..INU at a point on the northwestern line of Nest <br />avenue 129th, formerly Williams Strut, 60 feet ibte, dis- <br />tant thereon South 61° 55' 30" '.est (S 610 551 30" W is <br />taken f cr the bearing of 4est avenue 129th for the purpose <br />of this description) 349.29 feet from the intersection there- <br />of �., ith the southwestern line of the right of •way 60 feet <br />avide, now of the Sov.thern Pacific Company as firstly describ- <br />ed in the deed by Theordore Lekoy to the Bay and Coast Rail- <br />road Company, dated June 22, 1878, reco.L,ded June 25, 1878, <br />in book 163 of Deeds, page 234 Alameda County Records; con- <br />tinuin,, thence along said northwestern line of :Jest Avenue <br />129th South 610 551 30 'Nest 60.02 feet; thence Ncrth 260 43' <br />45" 'Nest 1541.44 feet; thence ivocth 20° 30' Jest 1.63 feet <br />to the northweste-n line of Lhe 129.20 acre tract of land <br />describ-d in the deed by Rene de Tocqueville and nenriette <br />LeRoy de Tocqueville to Jose Bernardo l endonca, dated <br />November 1, 1 .0,01, recorded i�ovember 1, 1901, in book 799 of <br />Deeds page ?,73, Alameda County Records; thence along the <br />last naired line Noi•th 69' 30' East 6C.18 feet; thence South <br />26° 43' 45" East 1535.14 feet to :he ,oint of beginning. <br />IN 7JITNES6 vH RIOF, the grantor has executed this Leed this <br />A? r� day of / /7q/ , 1946. - — <br />STATE OF CALIFOztNIA <br />ss. <br />COUNTY OF ALAkED it ) <br />On this /3 day of , 1946) before me <br />a ivotary Fublic in and for the7County ofnlameda, State of California, <br />residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally ap+-eared <br />known to me to bathe person_ described in and wn-ose name_ <br />subscribed to the e,iithin instrument, and she acknowledged to me that <br />s re- executed the same . <br />IN WITNESS 'INHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my <br />Ofiicial Seal, the day and year in this certificate first above <br />,written. <br />Notary L- u b l i c.-�—�.— <br />In and for said County and State. <br />