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IN THE, CITY C UUNC I L OF THE <br />CITY OF •3.,N Lzi,NDRO <br />RESOLUTION Nu. 783 C.ii.S. <br />RESOLUTION ACCviTING &. SEMENT ,iND RIGHT OF JAY <br />The City Council of the City of San Leandro does resolve as <br />follows: <br />That that certain easement and riatit of Nay offered to uhis <br />City by i.iary C. Lewis by Deed dated i,,ay 13, 1946, be and it is <br />hereby accepted by this City. - <br />Introduced by Councilman !�Usson and pas..ed and adopted this <br />13th day of Aay, 1946, by the follo�ving called vote: <br />AYES: Councilmen Groves, Magnat, Musson, Kniek (4) <br />14OE:3: (0) <br />ABS-NT: Lawrence (1} <br />Mayor of the City of San Le-ndro <br />At Lest: <br />City Clerk <br />I beraby certify that the above is a true and forrect copy of Resolution <br />No.783, C.M.S., passed at a regular meeting of the City Council held on <br />the 13th day cf May 194.6. <br />