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-- 10/16/46 -- rx <br />3. Citcy shall, at its sole cost end expense, furnish all <br />labor, materials, tools and implen.ents, and per -form all work <br />of instal.lin6 said sa.n ".tary sewer, which shall be installed <br />beneath Railroad's tracks at a deptb of approximately ten (10) <br />feet below bottoms of ties. <br />4. 6aid sewer pipes shall be installed and maintained by <br />tiie Cit�r in accordance with plans which shall be subject to <br />the approval of Railroad. <br />5. railroad shall provide such inspectors, watchmen or <br />flagmen as it may deem nec.ess^.ry to safeguard property and the <br />movement of engines, trc _ins and. ce_rs and to cupervi_se the pro- <br />secution of that porti.,ln of the work Athin ;,he limits of the <br />eas(3D-,eut het eby granted, which work shall be dune at such <br />times and in such runner as not to interfere with the opera- <br />tions of Railroad, and all c,,-rrenses incurred in connection; <br />therewith by paiiroad shall be paid to Railroad by City upon <br />rendition of bills therefor. <br />6. before any part of the work to oe undertaken by City <br />under this agreemeiit shad be commenced, City shall and will <br />require any and all of City's contra tors to mare and enter <br />into an agreement with Railroad in she form marked "Exhibit <br />ho. 1" hereto attached and .made a part hereof, for the -protec- <br />t ion of the propert,v and facilities of said Railroad, and for <br />the indemnification of Railroad against loss, damage and in- <br />juries resulting, from work to be done by such contraet�rs, <br />axia C-ty shall also require its contractors, before said work <br />is oom-.enced, to furnish .11'ailroad. with a urety bond satis- <br />factory to Railroad in she amount of Ten Thousand (10,000) <br />Dollars, in the form marked "exhibit No. 2", also hereto at- <br />tached and made a pa._t hereof. <br />- 2 - <br />