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aoos, 49 55 <br />CONSENT AND SUBORDINATION <br />OAKLAND TITLE INSURANCE AND CUARANTY CMTPANY, a California <br />Corporation, as trustee, and KAISER CO1.MUNITY H01 ES, a California <br />Corporation, as beneficiary, respectively, under that certain <br />deed of trust of record in the office of the County Recorder of <br />Alameda County, dated Auuust 14th, 1951 running from SAN LEANDRO <br />INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION, a California corporation, to OAKLAND <br />TITLE INSURANCE AND GUARANTY COMPANY, a corporation, as trustee; <br />to secure the payment to KAISER COM1,1UNITY H01,1ES, a California <br />corporation, of $166,366.00 and recorded September 4th, 1951 in <br />Book 6526 of Official Records at page 275, which deed of trust <br />affects the parcel of land referred to and mentioned in the Grant <br />of Easement of right of way for purposes of a public street and <br />for all public street purposes, to which this Consent and Subordina- <br />tion is subjoined. <br />DO HEREBY CONSENT to the execution and recordation of said <br />Grant and to the right of way for purposes of a public street and <br />for all public street purposes therein created on the land affected <br />by said deed of trust; and, <br />DO HEREBY SUBORDINATE the lien of said deed of trust, to said <br />easement, to the same extent and with like force and effect as if <br />and as though said grant had been executed and recorded prior to <br />the execution and recordation of said deed of trust. <br />Said Kaiser Community Homes, as such beneficiary, does hereby <br />authorize and request said Oakland Title Insurance and Guaranty <br />Company, as such trustee, to execute this consent; and said Oakland <br />Title Insurance and Guaranty Company, as such trus..ce, in compliance <br />with said authorization and request, does hereby execute this <br />instrument. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF said Oakland Title Insurance and Guaranty <br />Company and Kaiser Community Homes do hereby execute this instrument <br />on this 24th day of September, 1951. <br />,. OAKLAT\D TITLE INSURANCE AND GUARANTY <br />C OMIPANY <br />B � <br />Vice President <br />By i <br />As stant Secretary <br />KAISE- NITY FOT7_S <br />AI <br />By Vice President <br />��,,.,• C. W. Getchell <br />f Asst. Secretary <br />/ ! S. D. Lennox <br />