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TOM 2.52 FORM 19-B <br />BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS <br />CITY OF OAKLAND <br />RESOLUTION NO. 840198 <br />RESCLUTIUA AUTHORIZ"G 4ELOCiATION <br />OP SEWER EASE4M BY GRANT PURSUANT <br />TO PORT URDUANCE V0. 5?7 ARR I)IR- <br />ECTING UONDATION THEREOF. <br />idHMEAS, by Port Ordinance Ho. 577 the grantors <br />C. R. Adams and Anna G. Adams of certain real property to <br />the Boards reserved a twenty (20) ft. easement for pur- <br />poses of sewer installations with the provision that the <br />location thereof could be changed b_ mutual consent; and <br />WHERFASs a certain grant elated. the 3rd dray of <br />August, 1953 of an easement specifically described wns <br />made pursuant to 1'esolution ido. B3376 and said ;Port <br />Ordinance Ao. 577; and <br />WrYRF-AS, the sewer installed across said real <br />property floes not follow the easement grante,ds Bud it is <br />mutually agreed to relocate the easement to conform to <br />the installation by the cancellation of the previously <br />granted easement and the grant of a new easement by <br />grant dated t ovember 1, 1954; i 0W, be it <br />RESOLVED: That the President of this Loerd <br />be and he is hereby authorised to execute, And the <br />`.ecreatary to attest, a erAnt of easement doted Aovember 1, <br />1954s to C. 'R, Adams grid Anna G. Adams; and be it <br />F'l.TIiTd7_�.R=' RESOLVER: Tn: F t the; ort J"ttorney <br />hereby is directed to cause the recordation triereof. <br />At <br />meetino held <br />the regular <br />Passed by the following vote: <br />ovember 15.. IV54 <br />op <br />Ayes: Commi: sionors Call.ian.o and Levy and Vice I MUidont <br />Noes: Tullo ch -5 <br />14- orra <br />Absent: Commissioner Clark and Fresidont Estep -2 <br />certify that the foregoing. is a f C!!5 OUEu and correct copy o3 Resohtiori <br />r s of th City <br />h� B 4098 z y <br />November 159' 1954 _ ` I <br />