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7/15/5s t 4) rms <br />GRANT OF liASEMENT <br />THIS AGRE,LMi,NT made and entered into this 3rd day of <br />August , 19539 by and between the CITY OF OAKLAtD, a municipal <br />corporation, acting by and through its Board of Port Commissioners, <br />hereinafter called the "City" and C. 11. ADAMS and MIA G. ADAML9 jq his <br />wife, hereinafter Ballad the "(frantaes", <br />tJ I T N i; :. T H: <br />WHiMEAS, by that certain Agreement and Conveyances, dated <br />the 20th day of October,, 1947, the 1�rentees granted and conveyed to <br />the City certain real property situated, lying and being; in the City <br />of San Leandro, County of Alameda, :>tate of California, and more <br />particularly described in said Agreement and Conveyances recorded t:ie <br />20th day of November, 1947 in Libor 5319 of Official Records of. <br />Alameda County, California, at page 214; and <br />W.H.EREAS, in said Agreement and Conveyances the City grazntea <br />to the Urantoes an easement for serer purposes twenty (20) feet in <br />width over certain real property therain described; and <br />WHEREAS, said Agreemont and Conveyances provided that such <br />easement may be located at such other convenient place as may be <br />mutually agreed upon; and <br />Cfflz;RLA:j', such arrangement was aapprov©d by the Board of Port <br />Commissioners of the City of Oakland uy its adoption of Fort Ordinar <br />No. 577 on the 18th day of august, 1947; and <br />WHEREAS, by �iesolution No. B2844 enacted at a regular <br />meeting on September 29, 1952, the board of Yort Commissioners of the <br />Cite of Oakland executed a Grant of easement dated September 2, 1952, <br />relocatin7 said easement, which was recorded on septemuer 30, 1952, in <br />Book 6838 of Official Records of Alameda: County at r+a9,e 113; and <br />WHIEMEAS, by inadvertence aanu mutual mistake trie aforesaid <br />Grant of hasement dated Feptember 2, 1952 does not describe the real <br />property through which Grantee has constructed a rawer; and <br />WHEREAS, the parties have mutually agreed to correct afore- <br />