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WHEREAS, the parties to said Grant of Easement and offic- <br />ials of the City of San Leandro have agreed to amend aforesaid <br />description so as to be consistent with the records of both the <br />City of San Leandro and the City of Oakland, and pursuant to said <br />agreement the Grantees have executed and delivered to Grantor their <br />Quit Claim Deed dated September 29, 1954, describing the twenty-ft. <br />easement as heretofore granted to them by aforesaid grant dated <br />August 3, 1953; <br />N9VI, THEREFORE, for the purpose of correcting said <br />description and for good and valuable consideration, the City <br />hereby grants to the Grantees, an easement for sewer in, under, <br />and along a certain strip of land 20 feet in width situated in the <br />City of San Leandro and also in Eden Township, County of Alameda, <br />State of California, the center line of which strip is described <br />as follows: <br />Beginning at a concrete monument set at the inter- <br />O.E.section of the northeasterly extension of the center line <br />of that portion of Maitland Drive (formerly a portion of <br />County Road No. 1434 ) lying within the City of Oakland, <br />with the northwesterly extension of the center line of <br />Doolittle Drive (formerly a portion of County Road No. <br />1434) said monument being also at an angle point in the <br />center line of said County _load No. 1434, and running <br />thence from said monument along the said extension of <br />the center line of Doolittle Drive and the center line <br />of Doolittle Drive South 560 211 20" East 1674.31 feet; <br />South 440 481 05" East 995.05 feet; thence leaving said <br />center line South 60 381 25" East 53.48 feet to a point <br />on the Southwestern boundary line of said Doolittle Drive <br />and the actual point of beginning of said center line to <br />be described; running thence from said actual point of <br />beginning South 60 391 25" East 1495.00 feet more or <br />less to a point on the northerly boundary line of that <br />parcel of land described in the deed by Grace Arfsten <br />Moore to the City of San Leandro, a municipal corpora- <br />tion, by deed dated Au-ust 31, 1938 and recorded October <br />7, 1938 in Book 3650 at Page 464, Official Records of <br />Alameda County. <br />This grant is made upon the express condition that Grantees, <br />their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns shall restore the <br />surface of said easement after any opening thereof for purpose con- <br />nected with the sewer to the condition in which it existed prior to <br />such opening. <br />- 2- <br />