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6. Within days from the date hereof seller shall coriplete <br />or cause to be completed the grading of the hereinabove described real <br />property in accardance with the letters relating thereto from Charles P. Martin, <br />Civil Engineer, to the San Leandro Unified School District, dated January 12, <br />1953, arl3 February 19, 1953, copies of which letters arc: attached hereto and <br />made a pert hereof. <br />7. Within days from the date hereof, seller ag:-ees to provide, <br />or cause to be provided, an easement along the exterior :msterly boundary of <br />the real property hereinabove described for the purpose of accepting surface <br />waters from the real praparty hereinabove described, and seller agrees to construct <br />or cause to be constructed within said time a drainage ditch along said easement <br />and beyond, of such width, depth and course as may be necessary to serve the <br />purposes intended, ly, to adequately and properly collect and dispose of <br />the surface waters fry., the real -jro.:erty hereinabove described, all without <br />cost, expense, or future liability, of any kind to the buyer (other than the <br />payment of the purchase price of 4-44,353.25 herein agreed to be paid). <br />8. ?rior to the use of the hereinabove described property by pupils for <br />school purposes, buyer shall cause a chain link fence at least ten (1C) <br />feet high to be constructed along the northerly boundary of said proLL.erty for <br />the full 600 feet thereof at ►,;.Ver' a sole cost and expense, except for the sum <br />of $1,100. 10 which seller han, contributed to the cost of construction of said <br />fence, said sum of-'1,100.00 being contributed by seller by having that sure <br />deducted from the agreed purchase price of $45,453.25 to arrive at the herein <br />stated purchase price of $4+, 353. 25. <br />9. Seller and buffer agree, in the event said title insurance coapany Will <br />not insure a policy of title insurance, as above mentioned, within sixty (6o) <br />days from the date hereof each of the parties hereto shall be entitled to withdraw <br />from escrow the respective deposit made by each. <br />10. Seller agrees to pay all taxes,, liens and assessments of any nature <br />now assessed on or a lien against said real property, including the 1952-1953 <br />real property taxes but a .ce ,sting the lien of the real property taxes for the <br />fiscal lest :L953-1954. Seller further agrees to pay all revenue stamps required <br />- 4 - <br />