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BOOK CA.GC,71 <br />north 890 53' east to a point distant thereon north 89' 53' <br />east 538.14 feet from the western line of said parcel 9; <br />thence tangent with the northern line of parcel 9, easterly <br />on a curve to the left, with a radius of 50 feet, a distance <br />of 42.66 feet; thence tangent with the last named course <br />north 40' 59' 35" east 6.49 feet to the southwestern line of <br />that portion of block 5 containing lots 13 to 19 inclusive, <br />in said block 5, as said block and lots are shown on said <br />map of "Tract 1003"; thence along the last named line, and <br />along the direct extension thereof, and along the southwestern <br />line of said block 12, north 27' 4 ' 30" west 1719.92 feet to <br />the point of beginning. <br />CONTAINING 137.83 acres, more or less. <br />over, and upon that certain real property of parties of the first part, <br />said property being situate in the CITY OF SAN LEANDRO) COUNTY OF ALAMEDA, <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA, and more particularly described as follows, to -wit: <br />PORTION of Rancho San Leandro, described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at the intersection of the southeastern line <br />of `Nest Avenue 141, formerly Third Avenue, with the north- <br />eastern line of Menlo Street, 100 feet wide (a stone monument <br />set at the intersection of the center line of said West Avenue <br />141 with the center line of said Menlo Street bears south <br />62-1/2' west, 50 feet from said northeastern line of Menlo <br />Street extended across said West Avenue 141, and also bears <br />north 27-1/2' west, 30 feet from said southeastern line of <br />West Avenue 141, extended southwesterly to the center line <br />of said Menlo Street); and running thence along the south- <br />eastern line of said West Avenue 141, north 62-1/2' east, <br />4187 feet to the southwestern line of Orpheus, formerly <br />Mariposa, Street; thence along the last named line south <br />27-1/2' east, 1726.78 feet to the northern line of land <br />formerly conveyed to J. Adams; thence along the last named <br />line north 89' 50' west, 539.50 feet, more or less, to the <br />western line of said line of Adams; thence along the last <br />named line south 6° east, 2097 feet to the northern line of <br />land formerly conveyed to Hansen and 'Matson; thence along <br />the last named line south 881 10' west, 1392.50 feet to the <br />western line of said last named land; thence along the last <br />named line south 61 05' east, 629 feet; south 31-3/4' west, <br />367.40 feet and south 320 west, 292.60 feet to the most <br />western corner of said last named land; thence along the <br />general northern line of the land sold by Theodore LeRoy to <br />William Roberts, north 43° west, 470.58 feet to the most <br />northern corner thereof, and south 45-1/2' west, 303.60 feet <br />to the western line of said Rancho San Leandro • thence along <br />the last named line north 33-1/4' west, 1352.9A feet, and <br />south 88-1/4' west, 394.12 feet, more or less,to the eastern <br />