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Snot: 71 n" rr <br />line of said Menlo Street, 100 feet wide; thence along the <br />last named line north 27-1/2' west 1876.07 feet, more or <br />less, to the point of beginning. 51-1 <br />CONTAINING 268.150 acres, more or less. <br />excepting from the above described 268.50 acre tract of land that <br />portion thereof which lies within the boundary lines of the above des- <br />cribed 137.83 acre tract. <br />As a part of said right of way and easement, parties of the <br />first part further grant to party of the second part the right to <br />maintain the drainage facilities constructed and located according to <br />the plan attached hereto to adequately drain the water away from the <br />southwesterly boundary of said 137.83 acre tract. <br />THIS GRANT is made upon the consideration that party of the <br />second part will quitclaim said right of way and easement to parties of <br />the first part, or their successors in interest, if and when the said <br />last -above particularly described real property is subdivided and a <br />subdivision map with adequate drainage facilities to drain the above <br />described 137.83 acre tract is recorded and/or other adequate drainage <br />facilities provided. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, parties of the first part have hereunto <br />set their hands and seals the day and year,first above written. <br />i <br />1 <br />PINE 0., a p ners p <br />r <br />By 1 <br />Partner <br />L: <br />Partner <br />, individua <br />