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REAL PROPERTY in the City of San Leandro, County of <br />Alameda, State of Caiifo:^nia, described as follows: <br />PORTION of the 137.83 acre tract of land described <br />in the Deed by Pine & Co., a partnership, and Eugene Rene <br />LeRoy to Oakland Title Insurance and Guaranty Company, dated <br />Au ust 24, 1951, and recorded September 28, 1951, in Book <br />6596 of Official Records of Alameda County, at page 371 <br />(AF-82026), described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at a point on the western line ol' Juniper <br />Stl^et, as caid str-let Is shown on the map of "Tract 1234 <br />San Leandro, Alameda County, California", filed June 29, 1953 <br />In Book 33 of Naps, at pages 86 and 87, in the office of the <br />County Recorder of Alameda. County, distant thereon south 60 <br />26' 20'' east 726 feet from the southern line of Lot 1, as said <br />lot is shown on the map of ''Tract 1231, San Leandro, Alameda <br />County, California", filed March 16, 1953 in Book 33 of Maps, <br />at page 56 in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda <br />County running thence south 830 33+ 40" west 600 feet to the <br />western line of said 137.83 acre tract; thence along the last <br />named line south 60 261 20" east 441.32 feet to the southern <br />line of said 137.83 acre tract; thence along the last named line <br />north 870 45, 49" east 5C6.36 feet to the western line of Lot <br />168, as said lot is shown on said map of "Tract 1234"; thence <br />along the last named line and along the western line of Lots <br />169 to 1?5 inclusive, north 60 261 20" west 449.59 feet to the <br />northern line of said Lot 175; thence along the last named line <br />north 830 33, 40" east 95 feet to said line of Juniper Street; <br />thence along the last named line north 60 261 20" west 28.84 <br />feet to the point of beginning. <br />