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Easement - Fairway Dr, drainage easement - File 295E, 1955
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City Council
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Easement - Fairway Dr, drainage easement - File 295E, 1955
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9/1/2022 2:32:02 PM
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9/1/2022 2:31:06 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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sad <br />('a r <br />p4rj- <br />95 <br />- 2 - <br />of Official Records of Alameda County, at page 235, (AB-51686); <br />running thence south 280 13t 56" east 10 feet; thence <br />north 61' 53t 18" east 72.24 feet; thence north 280 lit <br />16" west 76.71 feet to a point from which the center of <br />said curve having a radius of 311.90 feet bears north <br />21' 571 33" east; thence along the arc of said last <br />curve westerly 16.48 feet to a point from which the <br />center of last said curve bears north 24' 59t 11" ,east; <br />thence south 28' lit 16" east 79.62 feet to a line <br />drawn north 61' 53t 18" east from the point of commence- - <br />ment and thence south 610 531 18" west 62.03 feet to the <br />point of commencement. <br />PARCEL 3: AN EASEMENT and right of way to., construct, <br />operate and maintain a sanitary sewer or sewers, in, <br />under, along and across a strip of land 6 feet wide, <br />described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at a point on the are of a curve <br />having a radius of 311.90 feet, as said curve is des- <br />cribed in parcel 2 in the deed by Oakland Title Insurance <br />and Guaranty Company, to Central Pacific Railway Company, <br />dated June 16, 1947, recorded June 17, 1947 in book 5160 <br />of Official Records of Alameda County, at page 235, <br />(AB-51686), from which said point of beginning thecenter <br />of said curve bears north 21' 57t 33" east; running <br />thence south 28' lit 16" east 91.71 feet to the north- <br />western line of the strip of land 20 feet wide, described <br />as parcel 1 in the deed by Kaiser Community Homes, to <br />Central Pacific Railway Company, dated April 1, 1949, <br />recorded April 7, 1949 in book 5761 of said Official <br />Records, at page 547, (AD-24313); thence along the last <br />named line/ north 610 53t 18' east 6 feet; thence north <br />280 lit 16" west 87.74 feet to a point from which the <br />center of said curve having a radius of 311.90 feet bears <br />north 200 161 08" east; thence along the are of said <br />curve westerly 9.20 feet to the point of beginning. <br />PARCEL 4: AN EASEMENT and right of way to construct, <br />operate and maintain storm sewer or sewers, in, under, <br />along and across a strip of land described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at the most western corner of the <br />parcel of land conveyed to Samuel W. Terry and James E. <br />Devoto by deed recorded December 29, 1952, in book 6910 <br />of Official Records of Alameda County, at page 583; running <br />thence south 28' 13t 56" east along the southwestern line <br />of said parcel of land 482.02 feet to the most southern <br />corner of said land conveyed to Terry and Devoto; thence <br />north 610 53t 18" east 10 feet; thence parallel with <br />said southwestern line north 281 13t 56" west 482.03 feet <br />to the southeastern line of the parcel of land described <br />in the deed to Central Pacific Railway Company, recorded <br />April 79 1949, in book 5769 of Offk ial Records of <br />Alameda County, at page 547, (AD-24313); thence along <br />the last named line south 61' 53t 18" west 10 feet to <br />the point of beginning. <br />PARCEL 5: AN EASEMENT and right of way to construct, <br />operate and maintain storm sewer or sewers, in, under, <br />along and across a strip of land described as follows: <br />- Over - <br />
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