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Easement - Grover Cleveland Walkway, easement - File 308E, 1956 pt1
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Easement - Grover Cleveland Walkway, easement - File 308E, 1956 pt1
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9/1/2022 2:36:18 PM
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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t <br />DEED OF DEDICATION OF EASEMENT <br />THIS DEED OF DEDICATION, made this day of May, 1956, <br />between the SAN LEANDRO UNIFIED SCHOOL DI I OF ALAMEDA COUNTY, <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA, a public corporation, grantor, and the <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO.. a municipal corporation of the State of <br />California, grantee, <br />W I T N E S S E T H <br />That for and in consideration of the benefits to accrue to <br />the grantor from the construction and maintenance of a public <br />walkway by grantee upon, along and across the real property herein- <br />after described, grantor hereby dedicates to the grantee an easement <br />for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public walkway <br />upon, along and across the following described real property: <br />All that land situated in the City of San Leandro, <br />County of Alameda, State of California, being more partic- <br />ularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the most western corner of the parcel of <br />land described in the deed from Rina Gallino to San Leandro <br />School District of Alameda County, State of California, A <br />Public Corporation, dated October 25, 1948 and recorded <br />November 10, 1948 in book 5652 of deeds, page 151, Official <br />Records of Alameda County, California, said corner of the <br />last mentioned parcel of land being on the northeast line <br />of the State Highway (commonly known as the Eastshore <br />Freeway, the bearing of said line taken as S 78° 451 01" <br />E for the purposes of this description) thence along <br />said line of the State Highway south 7 451 01" east 37.09 <br />feet; thence continuing along said line of the State High- <br />way south 35° 42, 27" east 45.45 feet to the actual point <br />of commencement; thence leaving said line of the State Highway <br />south 710 20, 08"east 74.92 feet; thence south 86' 471 37" <br />west 53.00 feet, more or less, to the said northeast line <br />of the State Highway (commonly known as the Eastshore Freeway); <br />thence along the last mentioned line north 35° 421 27" west <br />32.82 feet, more or less, to the point of commencement. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above mentioned and described easement unto <br />the said Grantee forever, for the sole objects and purposes herein - <br />above set forth and for no other purpose; and should said real <br />property be at any time used by said Grantee for any purpose other <br />than the purposes hereinabove mentioned, then this dedication <br />shall immediately lapse and become null and void. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Grantor has caused this instrument to <br />be executed the day and year first above written by the President <br />and Secretary of the Board of Education of the City of San Leandro <br />and of San Leandro Unified School District of Alameda County, State <br />of California, who are duly authorized to do so by a resolution of <br />said Board, a certified copy of which is annexed hereto. <br />SAN LEANDRO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT OF <br />ALAMEDA COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA <br />BV <br />President of the Board ZSf Education of <br />the City of San Leandro' and of San <br />Leandro Unified School District of <br />Alameda County to f-California <br />Secretary or the boara or t ucation o <br />the City of San Leandro and of San <br />Leandro Unified School District of <br />Alameda County, State of California <br />
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