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<br />AIC68890 1-4-2? 530
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<br />'PHIS INDENTURE, made this 28th day of July , 19522
<br />by and between ULISSE _EVILAC(�UA and LUCIA 1EVILACQUA, his wife, and
<br />THOV.AS BEVILAC-ZUA and BARBARA BLVILACQUA, :.iis wife, First Parties,
<br />and CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, a municipal corporation, Second Party,
<br />!u I T N E S S E T H
<br />First Parties hereby grant to Second Party ease_nents for street
<br />purposes over that certain real property situate in the City of
<br />San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, described as
<br />follows:
<br />Ljj-
<br />PARCEL 1:
<br />Beginning at a point on the northwestern line of First
<br />Avenue, also known as est Avenue 132, distant thereon south 61' 48,
<br />49" west 214.80 feet from the southwestern line of Orchard Avenue,
<br />50 feet wide, as it now exists, and runninE; thence north 270 571
<br />23" west 170.14 feet; thence northwesterly, on the arc of a carve
<br />to the right with a radius of 1700 feet, tangent to the last men-
<br />tioned course, 43.61 feet; thence north 26' 291 12" west, tangent
<br />to the last mentioned are, 111.2.91 feet; thence northwesterly, on
<br />the are of a curve to the left with a radius of 1750 feet, tangent
<br />to the last mentio-_ed course, 44.89 feet to the southeastern line
<br />of Tract 1099, according to the map thereof filed July 9, 1951 in
<br />the office of the County Recorder of said Alameda County, and of
<br />record in Map Book 31, pa7e 50; thence south 620 021 37" west,
<br />along the last mentioned line, 50 feet; thence southeasterly on
<br />the arc of a curve to the rightwith a radius of 1700 feet, from a
<br />tangent bearing; south 270 571 23" east, 43.61 feet; thence south
<br />260 29' 12" east, tan,�.ent to the last mentioned arc, 142.91 feet;
<br />thence southeasterly on the arc of a curve to the left with a
<br />radius of 1750 feet, tangent to the last mentioned course, 44.69
<br />feet; thence south 270 571 23" east, tangent to the last mentioned
<br />arc, 170.34 feet to said line of 4-irst Avenue; thence north 610
<br />481 49" east, alon€ the last mentioned line, 50 feet to the
<br />point of '�eginning.
<br />PARCEL 2:
<br />eeinning at a point on the northwestern line of First
<br />Avenue, also known as nest Avenue 132, distant thereon south 610 48,
<br />49" west 469.60 feet from the southwestern line of Orchard Avenue,
<br />50 feet wide, as it now exists, and runnin}._ thence north 270 57'
<br />23" west 170.14 feet; thence northwesterly, on the are of a curve
<br />to the right with a radius of 1200 feet, tangent to the last
<br />mentioned course, 72.81 feet; thence north 24' 281 47" west, tan-
<br />gent to the last mentioned arc, 83.96 feet; thence northwesterly
<br />on the are of a curve to the left with a radius of 1250 feet,
<br />tangent to the last .mentioned coarse, 75.85 feet to the south-
<br />eastern line of 'tract 1099, according to the map thereof filed
<br />July 9, 1951 in the office of the County Recorder of said Alameda
<br />County, and of record in Map Book 31, pap-e 50; thence south 620
<br />021 37" west, alonE; the last mentioned line, 50 feet; thence south-
<br />easterly on the arc of a curve to the right Faith a radius of 1200
<br />feet, from a tangent bearincr south 270 571 23" east, 72.81 feet;
<br />thence south 24' 28' 47" east, tanp-ent to the last mentioned arc,
<br />