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RJL - 12-11-47 - VII (92499/323-3) <br />SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY <br />(Approved as to Form by General Counsel <br />May 16, 1946) <br />STREET OR HIGHWAY AGREEMENT <br />o4to Inbruturk, made this /P( <br />between SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY, a corporation <br />Delaware, herein called first <br />day of ,19 <br />of t late o �m <br />Pa 9 <br />and CITY OF SCAN LEANDRO, a municipa; dorporation <br />of the State of California, herein called <br />econd party. <br />ttttp011Pt4; That first party hereby grants to second party (subject to the conditions hereinafter contained) <br />the right to construct, maintain and use a street or a highway upon and across th at certain parcel of land <br />situate in the County of Alameda , State of California, <br />and lying within the railroad right of way of first party, and more particularly described as follows and <br />shown tinted yellow on attached print of Western Division Drawing <br />M-1033, dated October 10,1947. <br />All that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being <br />In the Rancho San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California <br />described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the northeasterly pro- <br />longation of the northwesterly line of West Avenue 129, formerly <br />�Nllliams Street, 60 feet Tide, witA the southwesterly line of the parcel <br />of land firstly described in the deed dated June 22, 1878,Theodore <br />LeRoy to the Bay and Coast Railroad Company, recorded June 25, 1878 <br />in Book 163 of Deeds, page 234, Alameda County Records; thence North-- <br />easterly along said northeasterly prolongation of the northwesterly line <br />of said West Avenue 129, a distance of 60 feet to a point in the north- <br />easterly line of the parcel of land firstly described in said deed dated <br />June 22, 1878; thence South 27°30' East along said northeasterly line <br />of said parcel of land, 60 feet to a point in the southewesterly pro- <br />longation of the southeasterly line of West Avenue 129, formerly <br />Williams Street; thence Southwesterly along said southwesterly prolonga- <br />tion of the southeasterly line of Wiest Avenue 129, a distance of 60 feet <br />to a point in the southwesterly line of the said parcel of land firstly <br />described in said deed dated June 22, 1878; thence North 27030' Vest, <br />along the last said southwesterly line, 60 feet to the point of beginning. <br />Second party expressly agrees that it shall not widen or improve the <br />existing crossing across the tracks of first pasty at this location until <br />second party has secured the necessary authority for such widening or <br />improvement from the Public Utilities Commission of the State of <br />California and further agrees that all expense incident to such widening <br />or improvement (including any crossing protection required by said Public <br />utilities Commission of the State of California) shall be borne, assumed <br />and paid by second party. <br />Second party shall maintain said crossing as it now exists and as <br />It may exist after the widening and improvement provided for above; <br />provided, however, that Railroad at its own expense shall maintain that <br />portion of said crossing lying within lines two (2) feet outside of the <br />outside rails of the tracks of first party. <br />