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as it may deem necessary to safeguard property and the movement of <br />engines, trains and cars and to supervise the prosecution of that <br />portion of the work within the limits of the easement hereby granted, <br />which work shall be done at such times and in such manner as not to <br />interfere with the operations of Railroad, and all expenses incurred <br />in connection therewith by Railroad shall be paid to Railroad by <br />City upon rendition of bills therefor. <br />b. Before any part of the work to be undertaken by City under <br />this agreement shall be commenced, City shall and will require :any <br />and all of City's contractors to make and enter into an agreement <br />with Railroad in the form marked "Exhibit No. 1" hereto attached and <br />made a part hereof, for the protection of the property and facilities <br />of said Railroad, and for the indemnification of Railroad against <br />loss, damage and injuries resulting from work to be done by such <br />contractors, and City shall also require its contractors, before said <br />work is commenced, to furnish Railroad with a surety bond satisfactory <br />to Railroad in the amount of �10,000.00 Dollars, in the form <br />marked "Exhibit No, 2"1 also hereto attached and made a part hereof. <br />7. Ul work contemplated by this agreement shall be done in <br />a good and workmanlike manner to the satisfaction of Railroad. <br />8. This grant is subject and subordinate to the prior and <br />continuing rights and obligations of Railroad and its successors to <br />use and .maintain its entire railroad right of way and property in per- <br />formance of its public duty as a common carrier, and is also subject <br />to the right and power of Railroad and its successors in interest or <br />ownership of the said railroad right of way and property to use the <br />said land hereinabove described, or any and all parts thereof, for all <br />purposes which are consistent with the enjoyment of the easement for <br />sewer purposes herein granted to City. <br />9. Should City or its assigns at any time abandon the use of <br />the land herein described, or any part thereof, or fail at any time to <br />use the same for the purpose herein granted, the right hereby given <br />-2- <br />