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• 1 r <br />D Jtil, j 15i l �65 <br />Re: Arden Farms Sanitary Sewer <br />At the time Arden Farms started de,relopment, they annexed their property to the <br />City of :;an Leandro and the Council approved their installing a sewer from first Avenue to <br />their property in order that it might be served. The sewer runs through the Abram's -property <br />and the ,.endoncals property as -ell as the Arden Farms property. The work hes been completed <br />according to the regtai.rements of the City and now it is desired to accept easei;:ents frnm the <br />three parties mentioned above in order that it may become a public sewer and be utilized by <br />others when needed and if they are a Hart of the Cit <br />Attached please find a Brant of Easement from the Arden Farms Company, a Grant. of <br />Lasement from the Abrmms and a Grant of Easement from the L endoncas- Thaw r,avP r,QQn <br />checked as far as the descriptions are concerned and as far as the -wording is concerned <br />and are satisfactory. If the Grants of Easement are satisfactory from your point, of <br />and it is hoped that, they are because of the length of time which has elapsed ;n ardar to <br />acquire these, it would be recommended that you approve the Citv Council's a <br />easements at their meeting of July 25, 1955. <br />SIGNED <br />PLEASE REPLY HERE <br />To Mr. McMahon DATE July 21, 1955 <br />1. "Resolution Accepting Easement (George B. Mendoca and Sarah C. <br />Mendoca)" has been prepared. <br />2. "resolution Accepting Easement (Ugo Abram and Palma Abram)" has <br />en <br />3. "Resolution Accepting Easement (Arden Farms Company)" has been <br />SIGNED G€RALD F-. WMAfIOM <br />® As;is:, nt to the Cily Manager <br />