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Easement - Williams St, sewer easement - File 236E, 1951
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Easement - Williams St, sewer easement - File 236E, 1951
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9/1/2022 2:51:24 PM
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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AF28792 <br />AF- ,Zb r .-)2 <br />SAN LEANDRO ELEMENTARY SCHDOLS <br />San Leandro, California <br />DEED OF DEDICATION AMID GRANT <br />OF RIGHT-0F 4AY <br />FoN 6402 F,L,E J�9 <br />THIS INDENTURE made and entered into this 6th day of March, <br />1951, by and between the SAN LEANDRO SCHOOL DISTRICT OF ALkMEDA COUNTY, <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA, a public corporation., the party of the first part, <br />and the CITY OF SAN LFANDRO, a municipal corporation of the State of <br />California, the party of the second part: <br />lizaZaLZIE <br />That the said party of the first part does hereby grant without consideration <br />unto the said party of the second part a right-of-way for public street purposes <br />over, upon, through and across all that certain real property situated in the <br />City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, described as <br />follows: <br />BEGINNING at a point on the northwestern line of <br />West Avenue 129th, also known as County Road No. 6002, <br />and formerly knovym as Williams Street, distant thereon <br />south 620 00' west 865.20 feet from the point of <br />intersection thereof with the southwestern line of <br />Orchard Avenue; Cunning thence north 280 00' west 689.90 <br />feet to the ACTUA� POINT OF COMMENCEMENT; thence con- <br />tinuing north 28 00' west 37.36 feet to a point <br />on the southern boundary line of "Tract 659" according <br />to the map thereof, filed April 23, 1943, in Book 8 <br />of Maps, pages 54 and 55, in the office of the County <br />Recorder of Alameda County; thence along the said last <br />mentioned line north 730 40' east 94.50 feet to a point <br />on the northeastern line of Wayne Avenue, as said avenue <br />is shown on said map; thence south 270 49' 15" east along <br />the direct production southeasterly of the said north- <br />eastern line of Wayne Avenue 18.25 feet until intersected <br />by a. line drawn north 62 000' east from the actual point <br />of commencement; thence along the line so drawn south <br />62 000' west 92.38 feet to the ACTUAL POINT OF. COLIAENCE- <br />NENT." <br />To have and to hold all and singular the rights above described unto <br />said party of the second part forever for the sole objects and purposes hereinabove <br />set forth and for no other purposes, and should said real property herein <br />described be at any time used for any other purposes by said party of the second <br />part than for the purposes hereinabove mentioned then this grant shall <br />immediately lapse and become null and void. <br />
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