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j <br />AP50919 <br />THIS ACREEMENT made Lay 15 , 1958, between LLOYD -R. ERADHOFF, <br />hereinafter called 'Owner," and CITY OF SAT1 LMIDRO, hereinafter called "City," <br />IfITNESSETH: <br />Owner is the owner of certain property known as 14701 and 14707 Martell <br />Court, San Leandro, California, hereinafter described as Parcels E and C, <br />respectively. <br />Owner proposes to construct a 7 unit apartment house on said "Parcel B" <br />and a 6 unit apartment house on said "Parcel C," and proposes tD set aside the <br />property hereinafter described as "Parcel A" as a driveway for the benefit of <br />tenants of the properties hereinafter described as "Parcel B" and "Parcel C." <br />WU TH E�'�, Owner agrees that "Parcel ^." hereinafter described, shall <br />be used for a driveway for the benefit of tenants of the properties hereinafter <br />described as "Parcel B" and "Parcel C." Owner also agrees that this covenant <br />shall run with the land and may be released only by mutual agreement of the <br />owner or his successors in interest, and the City of San Leandro. This instru- <br />ment is not, nor shall it ever be construed as a dedication of any part of the <br />premises herein described. Said properties herein mentioned are all that land <br />situated in the City of San Leandro, Alameda County, California, described as <br />follows: <br />"Parcel A" <br />The southeastern 5.00 feet, right angle measurement, of "Parcel <br />B," hereinafter described, and the northwestern 5.00 feet, right <br />angle measurement, of "Parcel C" hereinafter described. <br />"Parcel B" <br />A portion of Lot 16 of Tract 1919, according to the map thereof <br />filed February 27, 1958 in the office of the Count7,Recorder of <br />said Alameda County and of record in Xap Book 38, page 68, <br />bounded as follows: <br />Beginning at the intersection of the southwestern line of Plartell <br />Court with the dividing line between Lots 16 and 17, as said court and <br />lots are shown on said map, and running thence south 12° 081 36" west <br />136.12 feet to a point on the southern line of said Lot 16, distant <br />thereon north 89° 591 east 12.28 feet from the western line of said <br />lot; thence south 89° 59' west 12.28 feet to said western line thence <br />north 0° 501 crest, along the last mentioned line 134- 11 feet to <br />the northern line of said lot- thence south 88° �Ot 21" east, along <br />the 'last mentioned line, 91.9i feet to said line of Martell Court; <br />