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PAGi k ? J) <br />thence southerly and southeasterly, along the last <br />mentioned line, on the arc of a curve to the left with <br />a radius of 40.00 feet, a distance of 35.00 feet to the <br />point of beginning. <br />"Parcel C" <br />Portion of Lots 16 and 17 of Tract 1919, according to the <br />map thereof filed February 27, 1958 in the office of the <br />County Recorder of said Alameda County and of record in <br />Map Book 38, page 68, bounded as follows: <br />Beginnin,, at the intersection of the southwestern line <br />of Martell Court with the dividing line between Lots 16 <br />and 1'7, as said court and lots are shown on said map, <br />and running thence south 42° 081 36" west 136.12 feet <br />to a point on the southern line of said Lot 16, distant <br />thereon north 890 59t east 12.28 feet from the western <br />line of said lot; thence north 890 591 east, along the <br />southern line of said Lots 16 and 17, a distance of <br />119.11 feet to a point distant south 890 591 west 1.61 <br />feet from the dividing line between Lots 17 and 18, <br />according to said map; thence north 40 43t 44" east 92.35 <br />feet to the intersection of the last said dividing line with <br />said southern line of Martell Court; thence westerly, along <br />the last mentioned line, on the arc of a curve to the right <br />with a radius of 40.00 feet, a distance of 37.88 feet to <br />the point of beginning. <br />Witness the signature of the owner the day and year first <br />above written. <br />STATE OF CALIFORNJA) <br />SS. <br />COUNTY OF ALAMEDA ) <br />On / `5-` 1958, before me <br />J <br />a Notary Pubs in and for the County of Alameda, State of California, <br />personally appeared LLOYD R. BRADHOFF, known to me to be the person <br />whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged <br />1 Q,_jne that <br />he executed the same. <br />AP509 1 9 <br />No ary Public7 iti and for the ounty <br />of Alameda, State of California <br />J <br />