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Easement - 14723 & 14729 Martell Ave, easement - File 369E, 1958
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City Council
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Easement - 14723 & 14729 Martell Ave, easement - File 369E, 1958
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9/1/2022 4:01:48 PM
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9/1/2022 4:01:00 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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AF5091 7 <br />z6�K PAGE?341 <br />THIS AGREEPIENT made P`ay 15 , 1958, between LLOYD R. BRADHOFF, <br />hereinafter called "Oi-mer," and CITY OF SAN LF-UMRO, hereinafter called "City," <br />M=ETH: <br />Oimer is the owner of certain property known as 14723 and 11729 Martell <br />Avenue, San Leandro, California, hereinafter described as Parcels B and C. <br />respectively. <br />Owner proposes to construct a 4 unit apartment house on each of the afore- <br />said parcels, and proposes to set aside the property hereinafter described as <br />"Parcel A" as a driveway for the benefit of tenants of the properties herein- <br />after described as "Parcel B" and "Parcel C". <br />I11O,J THEP.EFORE, owner agrees that "Parcel A" hereinafter described, shall <br />be used for a driveway for the benefit of tenants of the properties hereinafter <br />described as "Parcel B" and "Parcel C." Owner also agrees that this covenant shall <br />run with the land and may be released only by mutual agreement of the owner or <br />his successors in interest, and the City of San Leandro. This instrument is not, <br />nor shall it ever be construed as a dedication of any part of the premises herein <br />described. Said properties herein mentioned are all that land situated in the <br />City of San Leandro, Alameda County, California, described as follows: <br />"Parcel A" <br />The northern 71.00 feet of the eastern 3.00 feet of Lot 20 and <br />the northern 71.00 feet of the western 2.00 feet of Lot 21, and <br />the northern 71.00 feet of the eastern 5.00 feet of the western <br />7.00 feet of Lot 21 of Tract 1919, according to the map thereof <br />filed February 27, 1958 in the office of the County Recorder of <br />said Alameda County, and of record in l,:ap Book 38, page 68. <br />"Parcel B" <br />The western 2.00 feet of Lot 21, and all of Lot 20 except the <br />western 3.00 feet, right angle measurements, of Tract 1919, accord- <br />ing to the map thereof filed February 27, 1958 in the office of the <br />County Recorder of said Alameda County, and of record in Hap Book <br />385 page 68. <br />"Parcel C" <br />The western 1.00 foot of Lot 22, and all of Lot 21, except <br />the western 2.00 feet thereof, right angle measurements, <br />of Tract 1919, according to the map thereof filed February <br />27, 1958 in the office of the County Recorder of said <br />
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