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M%"39 4 105 <br />aoA,34:3 P4c, i <br />RECORDED a► REQUEST OF <br />Min. Past _ _ --__N1. <br />�15 <br />IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO r)ofi� P4G� <br />RESOLUTION NO. 319h C.M.S. <br />RESOLUTION ACCEPTING EASEMENT <br />(Maxwell Hardware Company) <br />OFFICIAL. RECORDS OF <br />ALAMEDA COUNTY. CALIFORNIA <br />�GG'4 \: Y RECORDLI? <br />Whereas, there has been presented to this City Council a certain grant <br />of easement dated March 18, 1.957, to a parcel of land more fully described <br />in the said grant of easement to the same executed by Maxwell Hardware Com- <br />pany, a. corporation, to the City of San Leandro, a municipal corporation, <br />duly acknowledged and delivered to the City of San. Leandro: <br />Now, therefore, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does <br />RESOLVE as follows: <br />That said grant of easement and the land therein described be and the <br />same is hereby accepted by the said City of San Leandro; upon the condition <br />subsequent, nevertheless, that the permanent improvement of said easement <br />shall. be completed without cost to the City. <br />Introduced by Councilman 'lalBteT <br />and passed and <br />adopted this 15th day of April, 1957, by the following called vote: <br />Ayes: Councilmen: BeUi.rAo Frasier, Gill, 'Maltesters <br />Stidf'ti j Faiiek ( u ) <br />Noes: Councilmen: Now ( G ) <br />Absent: Councilmen: Kai* <br />f� <br />or of the City h San Lean o <br />Attest: / U <br />V <br />H. Bur ank, City Clerk <br />I, the undersigned, H. H. Burbank, City Clerk of the City of San Leandro, <br />hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true and correct copy of Resolution <br />No. 3194 C.14.S. adopted at a meeting of said City Council on April 15,.,,1957, <br />at San Leandro, California. <br />4-17-57 <br />