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AL! 0430 ! <br />IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN L.EANDRO <br />RESOLUTION N0. 3G►-3 C,M-S <br />RESOLUTION ACCEPTING DEED <br />(Storm Sewer Easements) <br />Whereas, there has been presented to this Council a certain <br />Deed dated March 1, 1956, to a parcel of land more fully described <br />in the said Deed to the same executed by Maxwell Hardware Company, <br />to the City of San Leandro, a municipal corporation, duly acknow- <br />ledged and delivered to the City of San Leandro-. <br />Now, therefore, the City Council of the City of San Leandro <br />does RESOLVE as follows - <br />That said Deed and the land therein described be and the same <br />is hereby accepted by the said City of San Leandro, upon the condi- <br />tion subsequent nevertheless that said street be improved by the <br />party making said conveyance and dedication thereof without cost to <br />the City of San Leandro. <br />Introduced by Councilman c" 112 and passed and <br />adopted this 1st day of October, 1956, by the following called vote-. <br />Ayes.- Councilmen-. 13Q,Z,lizrd, FY=inr, ; ,ill, Kant, .4altus�r, <br />swim, �,.ck 7 ) <br />Noes-, Councilmen- ( 0) <br />Absent-, Councilmen- ri� ( ©) <br />Mayor of the City of San Le Mdro <br />Attest-. <br />4' a,�t�ti� City Clerk <br />I, the undersigned, H. H. Burbank, City Clerk of the City of <br />San Leandro, hereby certify the foregoing to be a Hill, true, <br />and correct cope of Resolution No. 3048 C.M.S. adopted at a <br />meeting of said City Council on October 1, 1956, at San Leandro, <br />California. <br />10-3-56 <br />City Cler <br />9/28/56/sc <br />