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TO A. M. Carden, City ney <br />Cc: H. H. Burbank, City Clerk <br />SUBJECT: Resolution Accepting Portion of Alvarado Street. <br />DAT_ lgust 250 125L <br />Attached please find Corporation Grant Deed from San TPandro Tnrinc;trial (e paration, <br />with cover letter, Diane Greer Mason, dated August 11, 1954p together ra th appropriate map <br />provided by Department of Public Works. Reference is made to detail given by Department, of <br />Public Works on this matter, by Confirmemo to your office, dated August 18, 1954, as follows: <br />Tvie have a corporation deed from the San Leandro Industrial Corp covering the halanrP of <br />Alvarado Street which should be accepted by the City Council. This deed covers the remainder <br />of Alvarado St. between the Southern Pacific tracks and West Ave. 137, the area which was <br />recently surfaced by the Lee Construction Co. This deed also includes a 10 foot strip from <br />First Ave. to the tract line of Tract 1125 which was previously excluded because the San Leandro <br />Industrial Corp. wished to collect certain revenues from those properties tying into the <br />sanitary sewers. It now appears that the area is sufficiently built up to the east of Alvarado <br />Street and they now wish to dedicate this 10 feet to the City of San Leandro. With this dedi- <br />cation, it will oo=lete the dedication of the ribht-of-way, 60 feet wide, on Alvarado varado S .r . -t. <br />between First Avenue and 137th. IIm not sure whether a resolution is necessary for aacepting <br />the work done by the San Leandro Industrial .;orp, between the S.P. tracks and West Ave. 13-th. <br />This was the area previously in dispute and it was agreed that if they would resurface the area <br />yZt,h anot,hPr lift. of = l ant -mix that, the ClAy would then accept, these improvements'. They hay <br />complied with this request and possibly we should bring it to your attention as to whether <br />there should be a re5n111t.1DT1 ar_cent ng—t.bjs ? art.i C1Lar I �rtinn of the work.,, <br />Forwarded for Your consideration, review and preparation of appropriate resolution. <br />BY <br />PLEASE REPLY HERE <br />G. F. McMahon <br />Resolution Acceptinq Easement has been <br />Meeting of September 7. 1954 <br />F. McMahon, Adm. Assistant <br />DATE September 2, 1954 <br />repared for th <br />raen <br />City Clerk !I. Burbank 9/2/54 <br />Letter, right-of-way Plat and Grant Deed referred to algove forwarded for your <br />f ile s . <br />G. Mdjahon, rldm. Asst. <br />R <br />e <br />SIGN <br />